Paper maps for the Central and South America?


New member
Does anyone know of a company that sells a comprehensive paper map for all countries in Central and South America? I also do not want a fold out map, but preferably book/binder style (like what they often have the for United States). I can't seem to find anything!
Thank you.


For Central America Nat Geo make fantastic maps for Belize and Panama. For the rest you have to rely on ITM. The Honduras ITM map is particularly awful, many roads that don't exist, incorrect town names, incorrect city, town and intersection locations. Very hard map to get anything useful out of.



You might want to try a German publisher, although these are also folding maps, they are made of tear- and waterproof paper: - according to some these maps are usable, but not foolproof.

We got most of our maps locally along the way, often times from the local Automobil Club (eg. the maps for Peru/South America were very good, accurate and cheap). Even many GPS maps fail, so there's a good chance to train you Spanish, asking people for the way!! But be aware: Latin Amricans don't want to lose face, so they rather tell you the wrong thing than confessing that they don't know... So asking 2 or 3 people is a good idea, and re-checking after 4 or 5 intersections that you're still on the right track helps too...
This free GPS map isn't too bad - at least tons better than the official expensive offering from Garmin:

If you're traveling with some time up your sleeves you won't get lost, just explore some places you had not planned to visit!!!


Thats because there is'nt one !

You'll be lucky to find up to date folding paper ones !

Best ones I found were these type laminated- lasted longer - you'll have to search to see what countries they cover

Not exactly up to date - but work when wet !

I wouldn't recommend using that map (i am from venezuela) it looks like its from the 80's :hehe:.... if you are planing on coming to venezuela use this , free updated (every 6 months) maps for garmin gps...


Yeah, for Centro use a combination of Nat Geo, ITM, and locally produced maps depending on country. You'll find that even the most recent ones aren't necessarily up-to-date. I found out that a lot of dirt roads which look good on maps aren't navigable for half the year.

Also check When I was at their London store last fall they had a lot of SA maps, not so much CA.

Maybe have a look at South American Explores web site -


Great tips! I'm going to have to check the Nat Geo one out myself as well....I was beginning to think that noone used Paper anymore!!!! Nothing is more reliable though


Expedition Leader
I did'nt recomend the GPSYV as they asked for paper maps !

Mi esposa es de maturin- et yo dejado casi 7 anos aya- disfrutando tu paise

yep can't write spanish- she did'nt teach me that.:)

GPS wise for latin america you have many options

Smelly bikers wanderlust map of the world is one

and there's also a free mapping aplication that gets you something similar to google based on free mapping.

there was a thread on it 2 months ago- I'l search for it

the veno GPS map he recomended is excellent as its built by locals for locals and includes lots of Funrace trails (RIP)

and also good for the Gran sabana with basicly all of the off road routes

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