How far up does your handbrake pull? What you need to do is:
Chock the front wheels with blocks
Jack up the whole rear axle at once and put it on stands,with the handbrake down
Crawl under and look at the back of the brake plate,there is a little rubber cover that you will be able to pick off pretty easily.
Shine a light in the hole that was covered by the cover,you will see a cog type thing,looking at it edge-on.
Get a screw driver and turn this cog (it turns in an up - down manner,i.e. turn the cog by moving the screwdriver along the Y axis)
I can't remember which way to turn it,I just turn it the direction that gives the most resistance.
Get out and turn the wheel by hand,keep adjusting until you can feel a little bit of resistance,and then back off a touch,and repeat on the other side until you get the same results.
Then get inside and pull up the handbrake,it should only pull up about 4 - 5 clicks.
If it goes up too far get under,this time at the middle,and follow the handbrake cables back until you find the balance plate,where you will find a nut,tighten up this nut until you get the desired amount of travel on the lever.
If it doesn't go up far enough,loosen this nut
And afterwards you have a lovely working handbrake. If this hasn't worked take off the disk and inspect the state of the handbrake shoes inside the drum,sometimes people over-adjust them and they end up worn down