Payload of 2017 F350 SRW 8' box 4 door 4wd XL...

p nut

...Ahhh...just busting yer bearings. We had a nice garage/shop back in PA. I have garage envy, I miss nice to get the vehicles out of the weather. Snowing out there right now. Hoping to have enough by the time I get off work to go screw around on the XC skis tonight.

It really does greatly reduce wear/tear. But that only matters if you're looking to sell in a few year's time. My old neighbor tried to get me on XC skis. It was ok, but it's much more fun on a fat bike. They make e-fat bikes as well, to go with your MX. :D

Clutch....People are paying ME to do the work. I love it. Yeah Pnut, I do have ADD. The spinning of wrenches is my muse. It calms me down, I can focus on it for hrs on end. I was in the construction industry for years....had my own commercial construction company, as well as a fire and water restoration company. I was so ADD at that job. I could not focus on stuff consistently... Sold the business bought the house with land and Garages, and bingo. Work is MUCH better. Our house was built in 94. Most everything built here is using aspenite/chip board, My house here is 1 x 12 pine match lumber. The difference in quality of this house is very apparent compared to the new "pretty" houses. Much better....

I hope the 350 will be a beast. maybe 2" lift is enough. I have not sized one up.....

We've all got some sort of ADD. I go through bikes like nobody's business. But it's cheap(er), compared to other more expensive hobbies.
I'd test out the 350 as-is and see how far it takes you. I'd bet little to no lift, you'd be fine. But I'm guessing you'd definitely need airbags or something else in the back.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
It really does greatly reduce wear/tear. But that only matters if you're looking to sell in a few year's time. My old neighbor tried to get me on XC skis. It was ok, but it's much more fun on a fat bike. They make e-fat bikes as well, to go with your MX. :D

We've all got some sort of ADD. I go through bikes like nobody's business. But it's cheap(er), compared to other more expensive hobbies.
I'd test out the 350 as-is and see how far it takes you. I'd bet little to no lift, you'd be fine. But I'm guessing you'd definitely need airbags or something else in the back.

They sit much higher than the outgoing models. I would say 4" higher at the floorboard.


Autism Family Travellers!
Cool. I am looking for the "earthroamer" stance in the wheel/tire/suspension department. I know they are 550s but just the correlation of the tire to fender distance and get some wheels that look close to the off road setup they have. Great stance in a truck. Airbags for sure as well as helwig swaybars. We don't have a lot of deed for flex on the island. there is not a lot of cross up work off road. mainly rocky trails.


Clutch....People are paying ME to do the work. I love it. Yeah Pnut, I do have ADD. The spinning of wrenches is my muse. It calms me down, I can focus on it for hrs on end. I was in the construction industry for years....had my own commercial construction company, as well as a fire and water restoration company. I was so ADD at that job. I could not focus on stuff consistently... Sold the business bought the house with land and Garages, and bingo. Work is MUCH better. Our house was built in 94. Most everything built here is using aspenite/chip board, My house here is 1 x 12 pine match lumber. The difference in quality of this house is very apparent compared to the new "pretty" houses. Much better....

IIRC I got that line "that looks like work to me" from my retired neighbor years ago. We used to own a swimming pool/stove business, occasionally when you saw a guy loaded down with building supplies waiting in line at the lumber yard...we would say "that looks like work to me!" ;).

I used to work an insane amount of I at this stage in life, scaled it way back, and try not to kill myself like I used to.

It really does greatly reduce wear/tear. But that only matters if you're looking to sell in a few year's time. My old neighbor tried to get me on XC skis. It was ok, but it's much more fun on a fat bike. They make e-fat bikes as well, to go with your MX. :D

Even when we had a decent sized garage, my daily and work trucks were parked outside. Kept the Sunday drivers parked inside. Yeah, don't care about resale value...think that is how I was brought up...when something breaks we just fix it, instead of of buying new. Now-a-days seems like everyone gets bored quick and keeps on buying a new vehicle every few years. That and truck prices seem so out of line anymore....gaaad. Don't you guys get tired of trying of trying keep of with the Joneses?

Haven't done XC skiing since I was teen, hoping it helps with my screwed up back is the main reason I want to get back into it. Think I burned myself out on bicycles...kinda like work, just fried myself. Don't want much to do with either one anymore.
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p nut

...Even when we had a decent sized garage, my daily and work trucks were parked outside. Kept the Sunday drivers parked inside. Yeah, don't care about resale value...think that is how I was brought up...when something breaks we just fix it, instead of of buying new. Now-a-days seems like everyone gets bored quick and keeps on buying a new vehicle every few years. That and truck prices seem so out of line anymore....gaaad. Don't you guys get tired of trying of trying keep of with the Joneses?

Not trying to keep up with neighbors. It just comes down to lack of time and changes to our needs. I've already had to attend 2 xmas recitals this week. The kids are getting into music, dance, gymnastics, etc. How would I have time to do silly things like work on a truck or ride my bike?? :D There are other factors, too. My old car was aging and safety was an issue. The F150 was rated best in class for that. Plus the rear seats are ginormous. I guess I switch it up every few years because of my change in need. When I had my last car, we only had 1 kid, so space wasn't an issue. But with more kids, we had to move up. The truck's been a good change and keeps the peace in the back seat (well, more than before anyway). I figure once the kids are grown and moved out, my truck-buying-interval will decrease. May even find myself one day looking at my crusty truck with 400k miles on it, refusing to move on! :elkgrin:


Not trying to keep up with neighbors.

Yeah...that was general question to everyone....seems like a lot of guys change vehicles like underwear. Have a dirt bike buddy that it seems like he gets a new vehicle every year....and bikes. and SXS's, constantly buying and selling stuff...I am like dude, do you get that bored!? Gee-sas! :D

Think the move, and buying 2nd house, and a slew of mini disasters we had after the move we had to throw money at.... has me sick of spending mores, tired of spending money!

It just comes down to lack of time and changes to our needs. I've already had to attend 2 xmas recitals this week. The kids are getting into music, dance, gymnastics, etc. How would I have time to do silly things like work on a truck or ride my bike?? :D There are other factors, too. My old car was aging and safety was an issue. The F150 was rated best in class for that. Plus the rear seats are ginormous. I guess I switch it up every few years because of my change in need. When I had my last car, we only had 1 kid, so space wasn't an issue. But with more kids, we had to move up. The truck's been a good change and keeps the peace in the back seat (well, more than before anyway).


May even find myself one day looking at my crusty truck with 400k miles on it, refusing to move on! :elkgrin:

Ha ha! You know it! gaaaad...what I have already works fine, something new isn't going to anything all that much different.

Had series of repairs happen within a 6 week period, have put $4100 into repairs recently, clutch, fuel pump, new tires, 3rd member rebuilt, new rear shocks.... (rebuilt the whole front end right before we moved up here) was getting a little frustrated with all the repairs... I almost gave in and bought a new one, then I am like...with all these repairs, just about the whole undercarriage is fresh....why buy new? (same old song ;) )

Coming home from getting the 3rd member rebuilt,...slid on some ice into a curb...and destroyed a wheel bearing...are you kidding me!!??
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2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Yeah...that was general question to everyone....seems like a lot of guys change vehicles like underwear. Have a dirt bike buddy that it seems like he gets a new vehicle every year....and bikes. and SXS's, constantly buying and selling stuff...I am like dude, do you get that bored!? Gee-sas! :D

Think the move, and buying 2nd house, and a slew of mini disasters we had after the move we had to throw money at.... has me sick of spending mores, tired of spending money!


Ha ha! You know it! gaaaad...what I have already works fine, something new isn't going to anything all that much different.

Had series of repairs happen within a 6 week period, have put $4100 into repairs recently, clutch, fuel pump, new tires, 3rd member rebuilt, new rear shocks.... (rebuilt the whole front end right before we moved up here) was getting a little frustrated with all the repairs... I almost gave in and bought a new one, then I am like...with all these repairs, just about the whole undercarriage is fresh....why buy new? (same old song ;) )

Coming home from getting the 3rd member rebuilt,...slid on some ice into a curb...and destroyed a wheel bearing...are you kidding me!!??

Clutch went around the corner like he was in the hoonigan video and bam theres a curb.


Clutch went around the corner like he was in the hoonigan video and bam theres a curb.

Ha ha!

Total bonehead move...saw skid marks from previous people sliding into it...thought to myself I bet that is pretty thing I know the front end is snow plowing, tried to ease into the throttle to pull out of it. next thing I know I am pinging off the curb. Ended shoving the axle in ever so slightly (thank goodness I didn't bend the axle!) enough to screw up the bearing, man, I just redid those 40K miles ago too. Dang it!

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
I did that in one of my dads work truck 20 years ago when I worked for him, only the rear truck never started turning it just pushed. It folded that front wheel in and back up into the fender.


I did that in one of my dads work truck 20 years ago when I worked for him, only the rear truck never started turning it just pushed. It folded that front wheel in and back up into the fender.

And here I thought I was done doing stupid things....nope...still do them, just do them slower now. :D

The curb went from 6" to 12"...would of been better to cut the wheels straight and bounce up over it at the 6" portion...but I tried to cowboy it, and slid it in with a bit more force into the 12" section. $300 mistake.

Think I tweaked the rim a touch too.

It was either fix it outside in a snow storm...or take it, I took it in.
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Viking with a Hammer
any updates ? looking forward to see what you come up with.

Hope he didn't go through with it. Doesn't seem like the right plan.

Drop down to a Lance 850 for a SRW. Then things make more sense. The smaller camper does all the same things as the motorhome sized 11XX. It's just not as roomy. If you really are base camping and wheelin without thhe camper on, then go with a travel trailer instead. Even a cheapo 23' has triple the room and a fraction of the cost of a piincely Lance camper $$$.

DRW is still a better choice. Keep in mind that a DRW is still no wider than the mirrors. I have no idea why that would impact the trucks regular use. A crew cab single wheel Superduty can only be parked in the very back of a supermarket parking lot, same place as the dually.

Camper package is a must for the stiffer front springs. Airbags over the rear springs, not the inboard 5th wheel hitch styles will behave better. Add daystar spring cups for off road suspension travel, don't need that travel, then mount the bags normally.

Get the 4.30 e locker rear diff option ($650 IIRC). Then wheel the truck stock, or with slightly taller tires. 295/70r17-ish, mine are 33.5" tall. Before screwing it all up with off road suspension. Heck a Carli 2" kit is good for 35" tires on a Ford. Any bigger, and you can pretty much kiss a slide in camper good bye. The f550 guys can get away withmore because those trucks are so stiff. F350 can't do that. Most Fords really don't need a 4" lift. That's mostly brodozer land, not overland.

XLT's seem like a better deal this time around.
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Autism Family Travellers!
Yeah. I am still around....I am going to do a F150 with a lighter camper. Most of the time, I will be driving the truck without the camper, and I cannot have another super stiff riding ride. I am looking for comfort all I scaled back on the entire thing. F150, lift, armor etc, and a nice camper that will still fit us. The LANCE 650 will be the camper IMO. Ford and Lance built a rig using this same setup. Its right up our alley! Put a cap on the back of the truck for most of our useage. But when we want to have some camping fun, back into the camper and load up!

p nut

Yeah. I am still around....I am going to do a F150 with a lighter camper. Most of the time, I will be driving the truck without the camper, and I cannot have another super stiff riding ride. I am looking for comfort all I scaled back on the entire thing. F150, lift, armor etc, and a nice camper that will still fit us. The LANCE 650 will be the camper IMO. Ford and Lance built a rig using this same setup. Its right up our alley! Put a cap on the back of the truck for most of our useage. But when we want to have some camping fun, back into the camper and load up!

That'd be a sweet set up. But 1,900lb wet, so I'm assuming you're getting the HD payload package, which should get you 2,500lbs. Doesn't leave too much more for cargo after you add driver and passenger(s). Too close for comfort for me, but if you can make it work, it'd be ideal.

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