PC version of Adobe Lightroom


I didn't realize the PC version was available, I just got it and its brilliant, not much more to say!

There is a 30 day trial for those who want to try before you buy (there is a trial for the mac version too)



Expedition Poseur
If you buy before the end of the month, they will knock a 100 bucks off the price.....

So far, I am quite happy with it (I started using it the day after they released it).


What good timing!! I started using it yesterday by chance and am fairly happy with it since it combines a few tools I already use. Which brought to starting a thread of tips and tricks since there is a LOT of things to do with it.

Anyone have anything they'd like to share?


Expedition Poseur
There are a few web-sites out there with more tips and tricks than I will ever use. I am not really computer savvy....and to be honest, I still fight with Lightroom on occasion (operator error)...but for the most part, it is pretty intuitive...even for me. Much faster than PS

Lightroom killer tips

Digital Media

Photoshop Support

BTW----there is a link on that last page where you can purchase the acedemic version of Lightroom for $94. The link is currently pointing to a blank page---but it might be worth finding out what the story is. I wish I would have seen that before I bought my copy.


TheRAMadaINN on Instagram
I need to buy it. For somebody who has A LOT to learn about photo editing, lightroom made it very easy.


I've been looking and looking and I must be dumb (shhhh). Is there no "email this image at sizeXsize button? I can make slideshows, I can make web galleries, but I can't simply pick a photo, downsize it and email it? I must be missing that button some place.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. Found it under Export Preset -> For Email. Only problem is it just drops them in the folder then opens them up. Even my cheap program can create an email around the attachment. Oh well.
And whenever I click just File -> Export, it crashes. I'll try rebooting and have another go. still learning
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Hmmm.....does anyone else work with a large amount of photos and notice some really slow operation of Lightroom? i'm importing old stuff and am up to 63,000 photos or so. When it starts up it takes about 5 minutes for it to be responsive and I notice all the image counts go from what they are to 0 and then it does some form of checking before it pops those numbers back up. In that time, it starts at about 160MB of RAM used and then slowly works up to 400MB or so. I have purchased more RAM because if you use Lightroom and open Photoshop, you're quickly over 1GB of RAM in use.

Otherwise, it goes along fine for a while, I can scroll through images I've already previewed and then it'll just pause for 20 seconds while it does...???? It's kinda annoying. If the additional RAM doesn't help (I have 1GB of PC3200 HT in two 512 sticks and am buying two additional 1GB sticks) I might be going back to the old way. While things like removing spots will take longer, 90% of the work I do will take far less time as I'm not waiting for the system.

Other than that, I still have a Export issue to bring up with tech support. Most likely it's something with my burner drivers.


Expedition Poseur
I'm running it on a older PC (1.6GHz P4, 512 MB DDR ram), and it does load on the slow side (30 seconds...maybe 45) unless I am importing photo's from a card reader. But transferring images is what slows it down then. The program itself (no importing images) loads as fast as Photoshop Elements.

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