Welcome Pelfrey! Your products have always struck me as well designed and well executed. Your reputation for customer support has been very good too.
One idea for thought. I would really like to see someone develop a line of steel/aluminum hybrid products. This does require actual engineering (the kind you go to school for), but it is possible to build very strong and tough structures using high strength steel tubing, engineered structure, and aluminum plate. These structures can offer all the strength advantages of steel, with a significantly lower weight signature.
Anyone can, (and everyone does), build hella strong bumpers from heavy plate steel. A few people build lighter aluminum bumpers, but at a cost in strength. The hybrid is the answer, and whoever figures that out first will have an open market. I have built bumpers and skids this way. The frames were welded steel, and aluminum plates were either bolted or riveted using heavy structural rivets. Individual plates that get damaged can be removed and replaced easily. Myself and a couple of buddies started doing this when I was in engineering school in the 70's. Use aluminum everywhere that it can be used without sacrifice, and steel where it is actually needed. It's pretty basic, and the concept can be used on every aspect of armor.
I was out of a shop when I bought my Tacoma, so my truck is loaded down with all this heavy aftermarket stuff. It needs to go. I have another shop now, and unless I can buy these products, I'll just be building my own again. I'm older now, and I would much rather buy them, and spend my time exploring! Maybe you can help an old guy out?