Well to make a long story short i have had a pelican 1550 case sitting in my garage for a few months and was debating what to use it for. Well thursday my wife myself and our 13 month old son went to run box canyon. After getting hung up pretty bad due to a washed out area( my tj is still stock on 29's.....for a few more weeks that is) we backed out and decided to take a break to let the kiddo walk/trip/waddle around some. Well after an hour we hopped back in to head out. Well the kid was upset and crying,I was tired and my wife was hungry. Turned the key over and click, the battery connection was loose somewhere. Well I noticed the negative cable had worked loose some, out with the ol' tool bag with everything jumbled. My stomach was in my throat because it was late and if i couldn't get it fixed we were in for a long night. After finally dumping the entire bag out i found what i needed and got her running. If it is one thing i will not be is unprepared again. Well me and the kiddo made a 5 hour run to all the misc. stores. Right now i have in the case... tow strap, 2 shackles, 2 ratchet straps, leatherman, 2 X wrench rolls (one metric and one SAE) Viar tire gauge, Full run of flat and phillips screwdrivers, 1/4 and 3/8 ratchets with extensions 3 and 6", full runs of metric and SAE in 3/8 and 1/4 and a set of 3/8 deep well SAE sockets,Torx and hex wrenches for the 3/8 , Tire repair kit, Electrical connections, electrical tape, tester light, Duct tape, my super siphon for fuel, and a pair of Wildland brush pants and a Petzl headlamp with a spare set of batteries. I have a top lid organizer that is still empty that will work out great for small items. The thing weighs quite alot, I would guess around 50 LBS however it is solid and makes no sound at all. The 1550 case fits perfect behind the rear seat and doesn't budge. I know alot of guys run light and with the bare minimum, however i carry metric as well as SAE for the other guys running out there and for my wifes truck so the kit is set and i dont have to change items for the vehicle it is in.I also added a 1/2" 2 foot breaker bar with appropriate socket for tire changes that is strapped in with the factory bottle jack items. Sorry about no pictures yet my son wandered off with my camera and i am on the prowl. I should have some up tomorrow.

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