1:1:1 = (33% tequila, 33% Triple Sec, 33% fresh lime juice)
Served over crushed ice...
There is only ONE Margarita, those other drinks are not Margarita's
"I interviewed Salvador Negrete, the son of Daniel Negrete, the purported inventor of the Margarita. Salvador says there are many fallacious stories about the origin of the Margarita, such as the one above, but that "this is the true story." The family story goes that Danny opened a bar at the Garci Crispo hotel with his brother, David. The day before his brother's marriage, Daniel presented the Margarita as a wedding present to Margarita, his sister-in-law. Danny combined one-third Triple Sec, one-third Tequila and one-third squeezed Mexican lime juice. The drink was not blended and was served with hand- crushed ice. In perusing the internet, Danny's Negrete is the earliest name credited with creating the worlds most popular cocktail. Salvador describes his father as a quiet "Caballero" who was only angered by one thing. His ire was stirred by the abortions created by blending strawberries, bananas, pinas and other fruits into his beautiful Margarita. He asks that they call these concoctions by some other women's name and let his sister-in-law have her unblemished prize. Danny was born in Mexico City in 1911. In Mexico City, he started what may have been the first bar in Mexico for respectable women. In 1944 he moved to Tijuana and worked as a bartender at Agua Caliente and continued to internationalize his cocktail. He came to Ensenada in 1950 and worked at the Riviera and the San Nicolas Hotel. Salvador learned from his father that the qualities of a good bartender are intelligence, good shoes and dress, clean fingernails and being bilingual. Danny Negrete is world famous and articles about him have appeared in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times. He was invited by many mayors to their cities and was invited to Europe and Hawaii. Today, we pay tribute to the many contributions Mr. Negrete has added to the history, allure, and charm of Mexico. Though there are many contenders, Danny Negrete is most likely to be dubbed "The Father of the First Margarita." Danny was a homeboy until his death five years ago. I think the dude deserves a statue on Mateos."
The Mexican Government recognized Danny Negrete as the inventor of the Margarita.