PICTURE THREAD: Post up your Mobile HAM setups


So I just added a Midland 75-822 CB to the Tundra’s comms. It’s a neat concept in that the entire radio is in the hand mic. It also comes with a stand alone battery pack and rubber duck antenna to use it as a handheld. I don’t foresee myself using this feature, but it’s nice to have the option.

This was in addition to my 2m Ham radio, a Vertex VX-150. It’s a 5w handheld that I have attached to a 1/2 wave vehicle mounted antenna. Obviously more limited than a full on mobile rig. But works great for trail comm and I can usually hit a repeater with it if I need to.

The downside is that both these radios, being handheld oriented, don’t have mic mount buttons on the back. They have pocket/belt clips. So they’ve just been floating around the cab of my truck on the end of a cable leash, or taking up a cupholder, or wedged between the seats…you get the idea.

So I decided to fab a mount to hold both of them. Turned out pretty well if I do say so myself…



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Fit perfectly where the ash tray normally goes. Don't keep anything in it anyways, since it likes to slide open and eject all of its contents as soon as i leave pavement.



How is that tablet mount, mounted in the Jeep?

Let me clarify, How is the X-mount mounted to the dashboard. I have a ram tablet mount that is the suction cup, and the arm is too short to mount on the windshield, interested in how you attached it. Thanks.


New member
FTM-400DR + FTM-350AR.

Took the opportunity while doing all this wiring to remove the CB as well. Good riddance, useless AM crap =)


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Here's the setup in my Tundra. I made some changes recently after going on my first Land Ops event. Previously I had the iPad on a window suction mount and the mics just sitting in the front cup holder, not exactly easy to use on the move. The mounts are Panavise mounts and seem to be very stable. On the iPad I have been running MotionX with a Bad Elf GPS, but going to try out Gaia on my next trip.

Comms by Matt Frederick, on Flickr


Expedition Leader
Just out of curiosity, when installing this high dollar gear in your expo rigs, does anyone consider the possibility of water intrusion from the oh what was I thinking moments that can an do occur?

And if so, where do you mount you transmitter housings?

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New member
I can only speak for myself, but I tend to practice "non-stupidity" (and also live in the desert) so water intrusion is a non-risk to me. Even in monsoon floods, it doesn't take Einstein to keep out of water.


Expedition Leader
Where i live it's absolutely a possibility. Being stupid or not. But won't go into the reasons.

So I guess this question is aimed at people in wet environments that may have thought of the unintended situation as being a plausible one.


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