Problem around south Orange County is that most of the places charge a minimum - usually the entire 5 gallons. Only one place I know of in Dana Point that only charges a 2 gallon minimum and they get my business becuase of it. Kicking a dead horse - I've filled the little 1lb Coleman tanks. Instructions that came with the nozzle did say to stick the empty cylinders in the freezer for 15 minutes before filling. In all the years I've done it, I've only had one cylinder go bad/leak. Seal on the cylinder didn't reseat properly. Could have happened from sticking it on a lantern or stove too, just happened to happen refilling it. Wouldn't stop a very faint hiss. Agree with all the above comments about the painting vs plastidip. Can't cover up the date stamp at a minimum. Had one tank get old enough that it couldn't be refilled. They aren't like CO2 tanks that can be recertified. I keep the 5 gallon (regular BBQ size) on the tongue of my trailer.