gap year
The concept of a "gap year" between stages of life is popular in the UK and, to a lesser extent, in western Europe. The common "gaps" are between high school and college, college and start of a career, when changing jobs, and when reaching retirement. Some companies are willing to hold a spot for an employee when they return from a sabbatical of 6 months or more. A few companies provide reduced pay during an extended leave of absence.
There's even a web site devoted to the topic
One feature of this web site is help getting gap year travelers employment teaching english in foreign countries.
It's possible to find employers in USA that have generous leave policies. Many universities offer better benefits packages than private industry. (The pay is often lower, however.) Many primary and secondary school jobs have 12 weeks of unpaid leave each summer. This is changing, however, as school districts move to a year round class schedule.
Some employers lump vacation and sick leave into "paid days off." (Have you noticed how many people call in sick on Friday?) Taken together, vacation and sick days can provide five weeks or more of time off.
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