The uphill battle begins
So I worked on the rig again this weekend. This time it was to tackle the headlights and Chrome headlight and grille bezel.
The headlights were all oxidized & foggy
and the chrome grille surround was peeling.
A few months back I got replacement headlight and grille bezel in solid black. I'm not a big chrome person.
The replacement black grille was not perfect, so I opted to semi gloss paint the new junkyard version I got. That helped immensely.
So now it was on to pull off the old bezels and fix the headlights
I opted to separate the lens from the backing in order to be sure I got them as crystal clear as possible. So into the oven…
Now pulling the lens from the backing... If folks are interested I will do I write up on what steps this took to accomplish on a sport. I have all the pictures, I just have to upload them all.
Now here are the lenses… you can see how aweful they are…

The headlights were all oxidized & foggy

and the chrome grille surround was peeling.

A few months back I got replacement headlight and grille bezel in solid black. I'm not a big chrome person.
The replacement black grille was not perfect, so I opted to semi gloss paint the new junkyard version I got. That helped immensely.

So now it was on to pull off the old bezels and fix the headlights

I opted to separate the lens from the backing in order to be sure I got them as crystal clear as possible. So into the oven…

Now pulling the lens from the backing... If folks are interested I will do I write up on what steps this took to accomplish on a sport. I have all the pictures, I just have to upload them all.

Now here are the lenses… you can see how aweful they are…