Pop up and Pop Out Camper



Resurrecting an old thread! Happen to have any more pictures of the interior while the top is down?


New member
Ark. Sorry it took so long to answer. A picture of the inside with the top down wouldn't show much cause the slider would be in the way of the view. With the slider in there is about 12" of access to the front of the camper. The unit is still working great and I use it a lot. A couple years ago I lengthned it 12" to make the dining table bigger and add a cupboard to the outside rear. If anyone wants me to build them one the price is now $400,000. I haven't gotten any takers yet


Western Dirt Rat
Ark. Sorry it took so long to answer. A picture of the inside with the top down wouldn't show much cause the slider would be in the way of the view. With the slider in there is about 12" of access to the front of the camper. The unit is still working great and I use it a lot. A couple years ago I lengthned it 12" to make the dining table bigger and add a cupboard to the outside rear. If anyone wants me to build them one the price is now $400,000. I haven't gotten any takers yet
Now that's a thread resurrection! Props on the eventual response. Always loved this build. Kudos.

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