in doing the usual and necessary interweb research i came across this curious site. some great info here already so thanks to the posters over the years. i got a lot of info from the curiously long and poignant thread about the FWC.
at this point, the FWC Finch is looking like my best bet for my needs and i see they have a strong following. i've seen a FWC on a vehicle around town and it sure looked minimalist and cool compared to the weird monstrosities that spoil the landscape around here. all i'm seeking is some additional info, or perhaps stuff i'm missing, other quality product offerings that would fit this vehicle, and further insights into the weak spots of FWC products. all seem to agree that they have a strange Achilles tendon at the rear door window that is likely to shake loose over time on rough roads. does anyone know if they've rectified this?
as long time dedicated back country travelers (remote canoe tripping, sea kayaking, backpacking, bikepacking) we're most interested in sleeping quality and economy. hence pop ups on our little truck. we'd be going full spartan mode- shell types only. we're most interested in long term quality, water proofness, durability, and practicality. stoves, fridges and the like are not a part of the equation for us. more like backpacking with the truck. (to which some of my purist friends would be coughing hard right now...)
clearly, if you're thinking, buddy you have to go see one personally, and you got that right! given the cost of these things, that's the next step, but it's not like a dealer is within a quick drive for me, so like so many, i rely on the miracle and wisdom of the oracle for The Truth, ha ha.
so if you are so inclined, please educate me on other high quality brands i may be missing and any insights into the strengths and more importantly, weaknesses or concerns about the FWC, or even the Frontier as a truck for these units. and thanks.
cheers, James, Comox, Vancouver Island, BC
in doing the usual and necessary interweb research i came across this curious site. some great info here already so thanks to the posters over the years. i got a lot of info from the curiously long and poignant thread about the FWC.
at this point, the FWC Finch is looking like my best bet for my needs and i see they have a strong following. i've seen a FWC on a vehicle around town and it sure looked minimalist and cool compared to the weird monstrosities that spoil the landscape around here. all i'm seeking is some additional info, or perhaps stuff i'm missing, other quality product offerings that would fit this vehicle, and further insights into the weak spots of FWC products. all seem to agree that they have a strange Achilles tendon at the rear door window that is likely to shake loose over time on rough roads. does anyone know if they've rectified this?
as long time dedicated back country travelers (remote canoe tripping, sea kayaking, backpacking, bikepacking) we're most interested in sleeping quality and economy. hence pop ups on our little truck. we'd be going full spartan mode- shell types only. we're most interested in long term quality, water proofness, durability, and practicality. stoves, fridges and the like are not a part of the equation for us. more like backpacking with the truck. (to which some of my purist friends would be coughing hard right now...)
clearly, if you're thinking, buddy you have to go see one personally, and you got that right! given the cost of these things, that's the next step, but it's not like a dealer is within a quick drive for me, so like so many, i rely on the miracle and wisdom of the oracle for The Truth, ha ha.
so if you are so inclined, please educate me on other high quality brands i may be missing and any insights into the strengths and more importantly, weaknesses or concerns about the FWC, or even the Frontier as a truck for these units. and thanks.
cheers, James, Comox, Vancouver Island, BC