pop up's with bathrooms ?

Mickey Bitsko

I'm in the market for a 8'+ soft side, but I'm not finding any with bathrooms. Generally speaking , are the campers with bathrooms longer than 8'. currently I have a hard side with all amenities , I' wondering if I'm making a mistake?
Also, do all the beds go east - west ? I haven't found one that sleeps north-south.

Edit: one more question, when camping in cold weather like a snow storm, are ther any problems with folding the canvas sides and not getting moisture inside
the camper.
Sorry for the dumb questions , guess I have to start somewhere. I thought I was going to just trade my hard side for a pop up, and I've had two offers to buy my camper out right, now I'm getting nervous ...lol
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Hallmark, Northstar

Are you looking for full shower, toilet with black tank, etc? I think FWC/ATC have some models with showers but are cassette/porta-poti soltions for waste management

Mickey Bitsko

Thank you for reply, If I had my druthers, I would like black tank with shower in a 8' with no overhang, I have read a bit about Hallmark ,they might be out of my price range,
I haven't read much on northstar. I'll have to read up on cassette toilets. Not big on porta potties but not opposed either.


Oil eater.
The Northstar TC800 can be configured with a cassette toilet.
If you don't mind 6" of overhang the TC850SC buys you an interior shower and cassette toilet and especially north south sleeping with additional headroom.
I prefer my old school exterior aluminum siding which Northstar apparently has abandoned.
It appears it is still the material of choice for ATC and FWC.

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Some sort of lost...
Sounds like Hallmark as stated, is what you're looking for.

You can get a four wheel camper grandby with forward dinette with inside shower and cassette toilet. However they really aren't intended for using the water system in winter, as the floor in not insulated and the walls and thin and poorly insulated. There are no gray tanks so you have to run a hose outside to drain the shower and sink. The inside shower is a little tricky but workable. Nothing like you'll find in a hard side or hallmark though. The artic pack liner will help reduce condensation but you'll still get some, possible frozen as the heat/cold transfers though the aluminum frame.

Or of course outfitter which is nearly as large as, and probably heavier than a hard sided camper.
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We have a Hallmark Ute 8.5'. It has a porcelain toilet with black tank. It also has an indoor and outdoor shower neither of which we have used in over 3 years of camping. Our trips are from 1-6 weeks at least 3-5 times a year. It also has a small sink which we don't use. If I could redesign, I would eliminate inside shower and sink and add storage. We rarely use the double kitchen sinks so they could be eliminated, also. The real flush toilet is a keeper, though, especially while dispersed camped in bear country or when I am too lazy, cold or tired to use a vault toilet (or they are gross) or dig a hole at night. If we need to shower (usually by ourselves so use baby wipes and baby powder-don't laugh, it works.), we pay $2 or so to use a campground shower. Oregon state parks have some of the nicest and cleanest.

Hallmark makes a Cuchara which is 9.5' for a long bed. The Ute has a model for a short bed or a long bed.


Just placed an order for a Hallmark Everest.
It's 8.5 feet long and has a cassette toilet which we wanted. If I'm not mistaken Hallmark is one of only a few (if not the only one) where you can get a North-South bed configuration which adds a ton of storage as well (we're getting it as well).
Nice! Isn't the Everest the 9' model? In any case with the N/S you do get a lot of storage. The cassette is the way to go (yes, pun intended)

Mickey Bitsko

Very nice , my other half would like the bed north/south , I agree , Been reading customer reviews on Hallmark , most are very pleased with quality.
I'll check their site for a north/south bed.


Hallmark make some very nice campers, for sure, but you pay for it. What's the lead time? From my reading, they're a lot like FWC - in other words, plan on waiting a while.

For my money, the Northstar is hard to beat. There's even inventory that needs to be moved:

(I've been seriously considering upgrading to this one myself; we have a TC650 now and the girls would love a "bathroom")


New member
Hallmark has a few month lead time if ordering in the fall. They were really quick with ours last fall. It depends a lot on the availability of parts from their vendors.


Our Hawk flat bed has both an inside and outside shower and a cassette toilet. The inside shower does require a quick set up in the dinette area. But it is painless and a LOT more comfortable than showering (even with hot water) out in the breezy mountain weather!

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