This thread tho. In one page of posts I was reminded for the first time in a long time why I've blocked a certain member then Mike wrote the perfect explanation for why you can't simply crap into a trash can and set it on the curb and now I've gotta see these NASA-gel bags for myself! I like the luggable loo for simplicity and I've always heard good things about their bags but I doubt they're available for purchase in say, Argentina and packing a sufficient supply for a year or more abroad seems impractical to say the least...
Although, say 2 people deuce twice a day but can get one each into a public toilet most days while some days you're either in a hotel or walking around a village or town all day so no van dumps while some days you're at the beach or camped in the mountains so 100% van dumps...okay that gets complicated...say in a year abroad you average 1/3 of your dumps in the portable toilet/bucket/etc. That's 365 x 2 poops a day x 2 people = 1,460/3 = 487 anticipated bowel movements to be captured by whatever portable receptacle you choose plus say you both pee in the middle of the night at least once per night and again whiz in the bucket at least once per day (WAY less than that for me but she's a bit prissy and small-bladdered) so that's 365 x 2 pees a day x 2 people = 1,460 so you have 487 poops plus 1,460 pees that's 1,947 uses I'd expect my toilet/bucket/etc to see in a year abroad.
The best price I found in a very brief online search was about $2 each for the bags (Google Shopping shows $12 for a six pack) plus shipping but on a bulk order I'd expect free shipping anyway so $2 x 1,947 = $3,893! Maybe you can use the bags twice?! (online reviews say no) Geezus that's nearly $4k just in poop sacks. NASA indeed.
I realize for a weekend or even 2 week trip the cost is far more manageable (damn near negligible if they work as advertized) but GAWD ALMIGHTEE I ain't EVER gonna have so much dough that I drop 4 grand on dung bags all willynilly. An incinerating toilet gets much more affordable by that comparison...
So the search continues...