I currently use the Thetford 135. It fits well between the front seats and I made a short wooden "box" for it. When in motion the box sits on top and turns it into a center console and gives me a way to strap everything down. When camping, the box goes underneath as a riser to make things more comfortable on the knees.
I have zero complaints about using or "servicing" the toilet. Emptying it at home or on the road is fast and simple. Having the toilet makes the difference between happy ladies and unhappy ones, and that's the difference between enjoying the trip, and not. It is also quite the luxury on those cold nights when I had one too many beers by the fire and don't want to have to dress and put on shoes at 2am...
My only current issue is that we're now a family of three, and the relatively small 2gallons of black storage are just barely enough for a long weekend of one dude and two ladies (where the ladies do all business in the toilet). I am considering upgrading to one of the Thetford units with a larger tank, but the fit betwixt the seats is much tighter.
This is an excellent, simple and practical solution. I use a Thetford in my vehicle as well.
I have been an engineer in the public water and wastewater sector for nearly 30 years. I will keep this, my last post on the topic, quite simple. Feces in the garbage is a bad idea on several fronts.