Portable water filtration, questions for the knowledgeable.


Expedition goofball
I'm shopping for a portable drip style water filter, hopefully it can do at least 6L in one sitting.
I came across the Katadyn base camp filter 10L which seems perfect. The reviews are mixed...

So what are words from the wise?
Thanx in advance.


Sawyer SP184 Complete Water Treatment System does 4L at a time.

Mine filters 4L's of clear river water in about 20 mins.

I did however up it's function by pre bleaching my water (2 drops of bleach per liter) in a 10L dromedary bag for 30 mins.
Then I added an activated charcoal filter before the Sawyer filter to remove the remnants of the bleach and other organics.
Super clean clear taste.



Expedition goofball
Berkey Filters are some interesting products but size and cost...

Sawyer Products seem pretty good but the size is a little on the small size.


Any other suggestions?


We used the 4L Platypus system this past weekend while backpacking with a group of 11 and it worked great. Easy to use and very light weight. CaliMobber is correct if you want more storage. You can purchase the filter and tubing separately from the clean and dirty 4L bladders if you think you need more storage. Didn't find the 4L bags a problem though.


Expedition Leader
We've used the Sawyer filters in lots of developing world locations (Haiti, Kenya, South Sudan, Pakistan, Nepal, China, India...) with good success. Easier than using our hand pumped Katadyn or UV Steripens.

The price of the Sawyer is also low enough you can afford to buy more than one if you need more water. This allows the weight to be split up between people when carrying and to locate the filters in multiple areas (such as the kitchen and the bath area for example) when using them. The personal water bottle version uses the same filter cartridge units as their inline bag filters - so that allows redundancy as well.

The filter cartridge units are small and easily replaced as well. Also can be backflushed and "checked" to see if they are working easily (if you suck on the output of the wet filter without water it should not allow significant air flow).

Adding pre-filtering and treatment via chlorine is a good idea depending on the source of the water and the robustness of the consumers probably. I haven't had to do that and have had good results.
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Well, there is water filtration & then there is water purification. Two totally different things. Filtration removes bacteria & sediment but not viruses. Purification removes bacteria, sediment & inactivates or kills viruses. A pre-filter is always wise to use, it will make the filter cartridge or purifier cartridge last longer. The ability to field clean is also very important. Having/getting replacement filter & parts is also important. One is none & 2 is one. If i was depending on it for survival, i would have a back up. Regular chlorine bleach (no scents or dyes added) or iodine can be used to kill viruses after water has been filtered. KNOW THE PROPER AMOUNT TO USE FOR YOUR APPLICATION.

This is an example of a small portable purifier system. http://www.cascadedesigns.com/msr/water/treatment/sweetwater-purifier-system/product

Large/er ones. http://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/berkey-water-filters.html


Purifying by adding liquid chlorine bleach

Treat water by adding liquid household bleach, such as Clorox or Purex.
Household bleach is typically between 5.25 percent and 8.25 percent chlorine. ...
Avoid using bleaches that contain perfumes, dyes and other additives. ...
Cloudy water should be filtered before adding bleach.

More items...
Water Purification :: Washington State Dept. of Health

Liquid 2% Tincture of Iodine Add 5 drops per quart when the water is clear. Add 10 drops per quart when the water is cloudy. Polar Pure Iodine Crystals Fill the Polar Pure bottle with water and shake. The solution will be ready for use in one hour.
OA Guide to Water Purification - Princeton University
www.princeton.edu/~oa/manual/water.shtmlPrinceton University

If you use too much, obviously, it will taste strongly of either chlorine or iodine. KNOW YOUR STUFF. YOUR LIFE &/or THE LIFE OF YOUR LOVED ONES MAY DEPEND ON IT.


No problem. Some people really dislike the taste after purifying filtered water with iodine or bleach---even with the proper amounts. & yeah, i gotta agree it is not the most pleasant tasting water. If that is an issue, usually a separate carbon filter will remove the bad taste.


New member
I use the Platypus Water Tank (it's the only collapsible bottle you can fill in a shallow stream), sawyer mini screwed directly to it, and a hose with camelbak quick connects to MSR Dromedary. With a slight hill, I can fill the dromedary in a few minutes with gravity feed only. If you're in a rush, you can squeeze the water tank. Then a few drops of chlorine in the dromedary and ready to go!

To backflush the system, leave some water in the dromedary and start squeezing. Nothing extra required.

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