Far too many beautiful people in this thread, so I thought I'd post a self-portrait... :bike_rider:
28mm, f/4, 1/1250th sec, 0 EV, ISO100, 0.3ND filter, Portrait mode, IS on. Blind point and shoot with a DSLR at its best (or most fortuitous)!
View attachment 87231
This was taken at one of Colombia's mud volcanoes outside Santa Marta in the north-east. Another photo from the same session:
135mm, f/5.6, 1/500th sec, 0 EV, ISO100, no filter, Manual mode, IS off
View attachment 87232
I'd have preferred just a touch more detail in the faces, but I took it in JPEG mode and am stuck with it forever now... I do love the rendering of the mud, though.