I packed a Silky Sugowaza my my trip to the north and south rims. Didn't need it, but other than a chain saw, it will do the trick. Just have to post my favorite product review of all time, from the Silky web site:
This thing is fantastic. I'm not a professional, so it will probably last me for decades.Coming back from a camping trip, a hardwood tree had fallen across the road. The hillbilly on the other side said he didn't have a saw. I said, "I do" and pulled this out of the car.When he first saw it, he said "Oh, I thought you meant a chainsaw." I ignored him and ripped through the 6-8 inch trunk in a minute or two. When I was done he said something like "Wow, that works good."On a side note: I also killed a rattle snake with an oar on that trip. I'm a man.Made in Japan, that's nice. You can pretend it's a sword, raise it above your head, and scream "SUUGOOOWAAAZZAAAAA!" People won't look at you funny, because they'll recognize- you're here to cut s#!% down. Rumor is, these saws were developed post-World War II, to arm the people against Godzilla. I don't doubt it.