Porkchop: We really like the improvements of the Limited Edition.
The Sapele table is beautiful.
The upgraded windows (with the way the awning/shade/mesh works) are the best we've ever seen in an RV.
Even watching netflix on the TV before bed, we've yet to go below 80% on the batteries with the increased solar capacity.
etc etc.
for me personally - the ONLY thing in the camper that doesn't look "high end" is the counter top.
It feels very "average RV".
Of course, this is egotistical - the counter top functions perfectly....
I'm going to look at replacing the counter top with a gel coated butcher block worthy of a $56K truck camper (in my head
I think it would look awesome with all the warm wood in the interior.
Something along the likes of:
My wife agreed! She thinks it would look great. We will see
First I have to figure out a water filtration system. The Wife wants more filtration from tank to faucet - so I need to see if that'll require an additional "drinking" faucet or what not (which would impact the countertop's design. After I get that squared away, I think I'll reach out to a local cabinet maker to build the butcher block counter top I'm envisioning.
In the meanwhile; we're headed to a 9000ft mountain lake this weekend with the rig to do some two-person-kayaking.
Should be fun!
We have lots of small modifications planned (like I am going to build cabinet inserts to hold all of the plates/bowls/cups/etc -seperated like an earthroamer) but those could be implemented in any RV.
...time to go get started on that wine rack ?
The Sapele table is beautiful.
The upgraded windows (with the way the awning/shade/mesh works) are the best we've ever seen in an RV.
Even watching netflix on the TV before bed, we've yet to go below 80% on the batteries with the increased solar capacity.
etc etc.
for me personally - the ONLY thing in the camper that doesn't look "high end" is the counter top.
It feels very "average RV".
Of course, this is egotistical - the counter top functions perfectly....
I'm going to look at replacing the counter top with a gel coated butcher block worthy of a $56K truck camper (in my head
I think it would look awesome with all the warm wood in the interior.
Something along the likes of:

My wife agreed! She thinks it would look great. We will see
First I have to figure out a water filtration system. The Wife wants more filtration from tank to faucet - so I need to see if that'll require an additional "drinking" faucet or what not (which would impact the countertop's design. After I get that squared away, I think I'll reach out to a local cabinet maker to build the butcher block counter top I'm envisioning.
In the meanwhile; we're headed to a 9000ft mountain lake this weekend with the rig to do some two-person-kayaking.
Should be fun!
We have lots of small modifications planned (like I am going to build cabinet inserts to hold all of the plates/bowls/cups/etc -seperated like an earthroamer) but those could be implemented in any RV.
...time to go get started on that wine rack ?
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