Post Pics of Your Hard Side Camper!


Porkchop: We really like the improvements of the Limited Edition.
The Sapele table is beautiful.
The upgraded windows (with the way the awning/shade/mesh works) are the best we've ever seen in an RV.
Even watching netflix on the TV before bed, we've yet to go below 80% on the batteries with the increased solar capacity.
etc etc.

for me personally - the ONLY thing in the camper that doesn't look "high end" is the counter top.
It feels very "average RV".
Of course, this is egotistical - the counter top functions perfectly....
I'm going to look at replacing the counter top with a gel coated butcher block worthy of a $56K truck camper (in my head :LOL: ).

I think it would look awesome with all the warm wood in the interior.
Something along the likes of:

My wife agreed! She thinks it would look great. We will see :)

First I have to figure out a water filtration system. The Wife wants more filtration from tank to faucet - so I need to see if that'll require an additional "drinking" faucet or what not (which would impact the countertop's design. After I get that squared away, I think I'll reach out to a local cabinet maker to build the butcher block counter top I'm envisioning.

In the meanwhile; we're headed to a 9000ft mountain lake this weekend with the rig to do some two-person-kayaking.
Should be fun!

We have lots of small modifications planned (like I am going to build cabinet inserts to hold all of the plates/bowls/cups/etc -seperated like an earthroamer) but those could be implemented in any RV.

...time to go get started on that wine rack ?
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Well-known member
Based on the YouTube videos and pictures I have seen, I agree about the counters on Northern Lite campers. Have you considered an epoxy coat like this?

You wouldn’t have to tear out the old ones and you could practice on a piece of plywood.


New member

First deployment of the Gemini campers, Carrizo Plain CA. Crowded last Spring, so We left early and went over the coast range and camped at La Panza above Pozo and only shared it with a mountain lion.
seeings as you have two similar TC's on both a 350 and a 450, how would you compare the ride, handling and also overall capability of both trucks?


New member
seeings as you have two similar TC's on both a 350 and a 450, how would you compare the ride, handling and also overall capability of both trucks?
The 350 is plenty capable, and is in fact the max payload truck of the two. What the 450 gives me is the wide track front axle. In addition to the greater stability/less wobble, the turning radius is much better in the 450. Tight forest maneuvering and general parking lot work are a dream.


Not the outcome I wanted but the Lance has gone to the happy camper hunting grounds. It was too rotten. I salvaged all the good parts which will go on a new build. I really respect those who take these apart and restore them. It's ironic that the wood was too far gone, and yet it was a bear getting it disassembled and cut into pieces. Tearing it apart I pictured the guys who built it in my head. Stu is the guy who attached the aluminum siding. Stu did 2 tours of vietnam, and has a credo; staple the hell out of everything, let god sort it out. In some spots, there were more staples than wood; part of the reason it rotted. The staples were rusty. Then there are the guys who put the windows in; steve, and kyle. Those two hate their jobs so they go out at lunch and get high. I think they might have tried to get the screws in straight. You know how I can tell? Because every one is at a different angle. Stu hates steve, and kyle.



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Not the outcome I wanted but the Lance has gone to the happy camper hunting grounds. It was too rotten. I salvaged all the good parts which will go on a new build. I really respect those who take these apart and restore them. It's ironic that the wood was too far gone, and yet it was a bear getting it disassembled and cut into pieces. Tearing it apart I pictured the guys who built it in my head. Stu is the guy who attached the aluminum siding. Stu did 2 tours of vietnam, and has a credo; staple the hell out of everything, let god sort it out. In some spots, there were more staples than wood; part of the reason it rotted. The staples were rusty. Then there are the guys who put the windows in; steve, and kyle. Those two hate their jobs so they go out at lunch and get high. I think they might have tried to get the screws in straight. You know how I can tell? Because every one is at a different angle. Stu hates steve, and kyle.

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time! Thanks, I needed that!


Love the 650 on tundrA keep us posted
I have a tundra and 805 lance and will get a 650 when I can find one used
Enjoy it


Gettin' the new truck sorted. Camper fits, although it will be getting a color change.
Either going bright white or charcoal.... Havnt decided yet.
I had a dark charcoal paint job on a C, it got quite hot due to the color, but did look nice. I would stick with white.

I would love a frame-mounted or flatbed TC.
The next evolution in trucks is a modular truck bed that bolts in from the top, has its own legs and removes quick to be replaced by another module, like flatbed, dumpbed, or a frame-mounted camper, Dodge, are you listening?


Viking with a Hammer
Charcoal, or at least Bundutec gray. It always looks best to contrast the truck, not match it. Some black 450 or Bushwacker flares up front would look cool as well.


Yeah, I think I'm going white.

Grey/charcoal would look sporty, white will certainly look more classy.

Also have plans for raptor lining the lower portion of the truck following the crease up and over the fender, thru the doors, perhaps in a charcoal.
I could carry that color up to the camper in a lower band as well.

Then they would both be two-tone, white/charcoal

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