@ Number 7...Love that EXO!!!!!!!!!!!!:victory:
Thank you.
@ Number 7...Love that EXO!!!!!!!!!!!!:victory:
Here are a couple shots from Black Mountain in Harlan, KY
You can see StumpXJ's rig in the background.
3100 feet
Random shot I thought was cool
Dracul, I like your big horn. I've always wanted to put a locomotive air horn in my XJ.
Whats up Flex! I didnt know you were on here...
~ Stump
Yeah man, cool to see you here too.....Just broadening my forum surfing horizon :ylsmoke:.
Some of the info here is a little more in-depth then over on JF. Camping and wheeling together is a subject that isn't covered too much on JF.
Where is this last shot taken? I see you're in Temecula. I'm in Costa Mesa. That is just awesome scenery!