South Denver Metro....
I've been monitoring (Breck,Silverthorne,ect.)(pass) and they haven't shown anything? hauling the Rovers on trailers makes that (weather) a little more of interest
South Denver Metro....
Guided fly fishing trip then to moab, truly envious. Get photos!
I'm not exactly in the valley. Walnut Grove, on the Sac river. I was on my way back from the NCLR MORG. You should have joined us - we sent a Classic on 33s up the tank trap. Good fun, but I'm not trying it in my LR3.
Yeah, I was the guy scrambling up the side to hook up the winch line in that video.oh ok cool I think I know where walnut grove is and I also saw a video of the Classic going on Tank Trap. yeah i want to try it but not until I get a locker
Yeah, I was the guy scrambling up the side to hook up the winch line in that video.
Actually, he probably could have made it without the winch but was risking windows. A little body damage he could live with but he stated going in 'I don't want to break any glass!'
We'll likely run a couple more rigs through there next month at our big annual meet.
Couple from Last year on the Gunnison Rally in Ouray made it easy to schedule trips why we like the rallys in Colorado Moab a blast too!
Where is the video?
Wow...That was something I don't even know if I could walk.