Post up your drawer/storage system


All of the sides are bright galvanized. Drawer bottoms and faces are ply. Top, bottom, and back are ply.

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Rendezvous Conspirator

I would love to see how you attached the drawer sides and bottoms. L brackets?

I did something very similar. My sides/front/back are made from 3"x1"x1/8" angle aluminum that I mitered using a compound miter saw with a wood blade:

(Note that my metal bandsaw was offline that day, or I could have used that, or even a hacksaw in a miter box to get the same results.)

My bottom is 1/8" carbon fiber plate that I had lying around, but could have also been just about any sheet material or wood*:

I drilled through the bottom and into the angle pieces, then tapped the angle pieces for 8-32 screws and just fastened the CF to the angles with button head screws. The whole drawer weighs less than 1lb but easily holds me standing on it. This is how I used to build my Battlebots back in the day.

*Note that the only "problem" with this method is that currently there's nothing holding the sides directly to the back/front - only the tension on the bottom keeps everything lined up, so it helps that my bottom piece is very rigid. My miter saw cuts cleanly so I don't have any gaps, but with less precise corners, or a more flexible bottom material, you might have small gaps at the corners. For added strength a few corner braces of aluminum angle riveted or screwed to the sides/back would tighten everything up even more, but I didn't think it necessary for a drawer of this size with what I'm likely to load into it (stove, utensils, etc.)

Rezarf <><

Thanks guys. These projects are fun!

I own a construction and renovation company so we have a pretty decent little woodshop where myself and one of my guys do little projects like these between our renovation work.

Another member of the local Land Cruiser club just dropped off his 40 series truck for a rear cargo box so that is next on the agenda.

View attachment 333087

Fireball, I can't wait to see at you come up with for the 40, you should create a thread for us to watch along.


Here was my Saturday project, got it done in a day for $100 in materials. Wanted to keep the setup versatile so I could still remove it and use the length of the bed if I need to.







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Expedition Leader
westramger, it looks like you can flip the rearmost 40% of that center deck over the front half, with the whole thing in place?

versatile indeed, good job. Any plans to seal or paint it?


Does anyone have experience using a combination of Rollerblade bearings and square tubing to make drawer slides? I'd love to purchase some high quality slides but I likely will not be keeping my current vehicle for a long enough time to make that money well spent. Good slides seem to be the most expensive competent in a simple storage system.

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Thanks guys! I'm happy with the way it turned out.

Yes rayra, either side can be flipped over the other in place. No plans to seal or paint it, I used ACX plywood, which is exterior grade with one sanded side. It's smooth enough for the camping I'll be doing.

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Expedition Leader
Does anyone have experience using a combination of Rollerblade bearings and square tubing to make drawer slides? I'd love to purchase some high quality slides but I likely will not be keeping my current vehicle for a long enough time to make that money well spent. Good slides seem to be the most expensive competent in a simple storage system.

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Mine is made with skate bearings. So far anyways.


So I've been making some progress on my storage for the FJC.

Now here's where I'm stuck.

Obviously the crappy sliders (only rated for 100lbs) will fold under the weight of a fridge, specifically the Whynter (edgestar) 45qt. So I'm thinking of going with some 24" double locking sliders. Before I drop the cash on them I have a question. Is there anything wrong with useing drawer sliders mounted underneath the fridge? I realize they are intended to be mounted on the side but I've seen a few people do this before and I'm wondering how they've held up.

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