The number one problem with TorFlex axles is the miss use of the weight rating. Most off roaders order the 3500 pound axle due to the toughness and the recommendations of others saying they need it. Dexter makes them from 1800 to 3500, exactly the same outward appearance. The rubber inside is different. If you order it at 3500 you will not be able to use it with that trailer. The axle will destroy the trailer. It is most likely over sprung for the trailer initially is my guess. You want it to be as close to the weight the trailer is going to carry. If your trailer weighs 1200 pounds and you expect to put 800 pounds in it, you order a 2000 pound TorFlex. It will be close to perfect, no need for shocks. You then can adjust for off road use by air pressure in the tires. IE when you take your jeep off road you drop air pressure, the trailer is the same, or due to the light weight of our trailers you can run lower air pressure all the time. I have gone as low as 12 off road with the truck, so the trailer weighs less and the weight ratio is greater, so you could run as low as 8 pounds I would guess. We are talking rock crawling in this case. I never run less than 20 pounds in my trailer tires on the freeway. No excessive wear, no wobble or swap at speeds above 80 MPH.
You have to play with. I would give it a shot, I think if you take the time to figure out what works best for you, you will be happy with it. I would never put anything else on my trailers. I have used them for many many years. Never seen one fail.