SOOOO anywway I decided i needed to re-aim my whooopie lights as i call em, so I went to pull my bumper off so I could put the lights on a plate so they could rotate more allowing a higher aim point. While doing this My trusty battery powered impact wrench decided to strip the welded nuts off the frame. Well crap.
not to much too resolve a few grade 8 1/2 " nuts and bolts fortunately you can grab the nut with a pair of vise grips TM or whatever.Now ive had it on and off a few times I am seriously thinking of building a bumper front and rear for the Princess. this would allow me to add my winch from Christine and also change my approach angle on the back end along with putting a 2 " receiver tube for the back end getting rid of the wheenie little 1 1/2" one that hangs too low drags too often and would raise it. so it raises issues of the rear plate where to relocate it to? if i am gonna redo the back bumper im gonna make a swing gate on it that I an mount a MFC and a high lift jack. I was thinking of an old samurai axle that i have here from the weasel build as my base shaft then i have some 2 " schedule 80 tubing that i could use as the outer shaft. Ive got a few feet of 1.5" square tubing that i can use as my frame 10 feet or so. now to find a few axial load bearings.. aka tapered pin roller bearings and some 1/4 inch plate need a few square feet of that too. well any ideas before i start cutting metal for the front i was thinkng of this

for the back end im not really firm yet its a soft plan kinda like the soft skull i have this is a good base but i want all the weight on the frame not the body

for the back end im not really firm yet its a soft plan kinda like the soft skull i have this is a good base but i want all the weight on the frame not the body