Have a read through that, though the info on steering seems a bit dated, nowadays it's easier to do crossover steering as you can buy weld in threaded inserts for tie rods for cheap... No need to go to a machinist... Just call the two shops I listed above.
Buy an axle, some springs, take the old front end off, roll axle under the van, make some spring hangers for the front out of some box tube and plate, bolt up some rear shackle hangers to the frame(it looks like there is a Ford truck part that just needs some holes drilled), notch and plate the engine cross member, then figure out brake lines and steering. After that... New transmission, tcase and driveshafts.
Honestly I SASed two trucks years ago before so much info was available on the internet, it's not that bad, just get out there with a tape measure and start figuring it out.I'm still not sure why you need a kit for this after reading that old webpage, but I'm also now pretty sure that Sky's kit will work (might need a tweak or two to get the shackle hangers to work)