Pre birth of a camper - No laughing!


Adventurer Wannabe
Are you happy with the Outbound roof window? They seem to be well made and of good quality, I only ask since I am considering using Outbond windows and roof hatches on the camper buildt I'm about to start.

The outbound unit is very well made but a little pricey


Adventurer Wannabe
As some of you will recall, I've had a b it of a struggle with the handling of this machine and even when I reverted to the original wheels it was still only “Ok”. I have been toying with the idea (prevaricating) of putting airbags on the front to support the weak springs as they only have about 40mm of compression available.

On Friday I decided to chance a call to MB to see how much a new set of OE parabolic springs might run to. First answer was €450 per spring plus VAT. But then he said that had been in stock since 2008 and he'd let them go for €150 each. The springs were bought and collected within the hour and I started the fitment that evening.

One thing did bother me once I got the first one out of the van - They look like they have the same shape. I had expected to see a noticeable difference.


However when fitted I had nearly 120mm of compression available.


I had the second one in by lunchtime yesterday and took it for a spin on the same road I did the suspension movement videos a while ago. A marked improvement. I was able to boot along at 70kph without bottoming out or diving for the ditch.

I could still do with softening the rear up a bit (or add more weight :)) But the handling is now in the happy zone at last.
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Glad to hear it's getting there.
Mine is still tight and springy on the rear, adding more weight definitely helps though as I found out when I helped some friends move house in mine a few years back before it was converted and just an empty panel van, the handling and ride was hugely better when filled to the brim with furniture and stuff.


How much clearance do you guys have between the bottom of the bump stop and the springs on your vans? I think mine needs air bag assistance but not sure. Docka your van would probably be indicative as you are also 2wd.


Adventurer Wannabe
No problem. Sorry to hear you can't progress it.
I think there are rules for posting something for sale. Check the "for sale" forum for detials


New member
Thanks Ian
I blame you for building such a great looking Machine and the hours I have spent reading your detailed process post LOL,
Still talking with the landlord so there is still hope two years from now we will be finished, not even sure what its worth being cut into a single cab now
Im just asking if anyone would be interested rather than for sale (at the moment)
Thanks Again for your Post and support Charlie


New member
Ian, nice truck very tidy work.

New to the forum have had plenty of campers but nothing this big. Just about to start on a build and read the thread with great interest.

Quick question for you. The material you used for the cabinetry and interior fit out looks great. What is it and where can it be found?

I'd be glad to hear it was available here locally. I'm not a million miles away from you. Based in Carlow so I'll be keeping an eye out for you.



Adventurer Wannabe
Welcome Dokerty.
The Cabinetry is constructed from Laminated Marine Ply. Sourced in Dublin. >€140 per 8x4 sheet


New member
Thanks Ian for the response.

I've been looking on line and through some suppliers at work. Marine ply will be an ideal material but I can't seem to find it pre finished. Melamine or Formica available to apply but be better pre finished. Do you know of a supplier?


Adventurer Wannabe
I don't think you can buy Marine Ply with a laminate already applied. I'll look for the company name in my file (not well kept!) who did the laminating for me.

I'm sure will also do it. This is a great company to have an account with when taking on a job like this


Hey Ian, did you have to change the pulley on the sprinter alternator or did it have the correct amount of ribs? Where did you get the idler from, oem from merc made for vario?



Adventurer Wannabe
I had to replace the pulley. I just bought one from MB. I also had to add an extra idler pulley to get the right belt routing.
You should be able to find the description further back in this thread.


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