The plate fits across the back using the four holes you have located the hawse in. It's an integral part of the winch - like the two tie rods on most low lines like in this picture - where your transport bar is at the front... The bracing bracket stops the chassis bowing at the top under load. Scarily most Huskys you see have nothing fitted! On CT Land Rover special vehicle fitted a plate that did the same but also protected the radiator from debris dragged in by the winch rope lite.JPEG this varied though
Look at the opposite end of the winch form the motor, there will be a number stamped in ot he end casing (usually hidden by the solenoid can mount) if it says SW8 (often misread as an EW8) then it's the Husky 8 (stall of 13k lbs); if it says SW10 it's not an original CT spec but it's a Husky 10 (stallof 15k lbs). The only difference is the gearing 229:1 for a Husky 8; 294: 1 for the 10. So the 8 is a bit quicker; the 10 is rare in the UK
There is a great thread on here about tuning a Husky but a lot of the pictures are missing - I've PM the poster responsible and he was going to try to get me some of the detail shots of where he's fitted grease nipples
I have a Bowmotor 1 on mine. However as I've only just re-built it and have yet to fit the mount, I'm not sure just how much better it will be. For me, fitting a Bow1 is actually cheaper than buying a replacement motor form Superwinch (and I have a trade account with them!). The Bow 1 and 2 are someof the very few winches that have their HP measure accurately (and their RPM) most winch motors are tested on a calc using 18volt input so that gives an input HP figure which is as accurate as using fairy dust. The OE motors are massively strong but IIRC are rated to 2800rpm, whereas a Bow 1 is 4000rpm (no load). If you want it I have a spare OE motor here that is mint - take it as a gift if you drop by. Let me know what parts you can't get - few bits break to be honest....
Does your Mantec bumper have six mounting points - ie the four normal bumper bolts and then two bolts through the where the Jate rings would go? I have an OE Superwinch bumper and it only has 4 mounting bolts - I'm tempted to add two more but a Structural Engineer friend reckons the sheer strength of the four bolt sis enough....
I service, fit and fix winches as part of my living, I've only ever worked on about 8 or 9 Huskys in 20 odd years. I've wanted one of my own for the best part of 25 years. So when I was given one and it's bumper I was like a dog with two tails. The re-build was such a pleasure compared to modern recreational winches. Mind you I have a couple of these and one of these to work on this weekend!