The trailer build is pretty neat, and very versatile. However the tow vehicle looks like a prime example of what happens when somebody has too much money and not enough sense.
Sweet - A portable sweat lodge. j/k
Neat concept, I've thought of building something similar just toned down a bit.
At full height, I want to fit 2 dirtbikes. The lower height would be for more extreme trails (and no dirt bikes)
At night, the whole family can sleep in a hard sided trailer.
Considering the running joke about H2 owners compensating for lack of a certain physical attribute, this one must be female-owned, lol. The trailer is actually pretty cool (especially in a different color), but the whole package together reeks of exactly what Saiyan66 said before. Oh well, it's their money to waste.
HAHAHAHA. That's the most ridiculous over-the-top set up I've ever seen, even for a Hummer. What is he worried about hitting on the trail? A herd of elephants?