I am a bit uncertain of the happenings on different dates with regard to Nimble; when the company sold, from and to whom, renaming/rebranding, what changes have there been through the years, etc.
Thank you.
It can be confusing. I’m not going to research dates, but here’s a brief summary.
-XP Campers begins
-Couple years go by and XP goes bankrupt
-New owners buy assets out of foreclosure and re name it NiMBL
-Same basic camper as they are using the same molds
-As time goes on they make some improvements as technology advances and as they gain experience.
-NiMBL stops taking new orders
-NiMBL still in biz, but focusing on search/recovery and emergency command vehicles
-NiMBL still services the campers.
As far as the rebranding of old XP campers to NiMBL. I think they just wanted their name on them. Unless one has one of the last few made there isn’t a lot of difference.