Pro maps for Windows 8. Trial run.


Autism Family Travellers!
I have been playing with the PRO MAPS app for some time now in my living room. I need to get it out and running in the back country to see how it works. Initial fooling around is very promising. There are many different maps to use. Most are outdated for my area. This is not the fault of the app but more the area where I live. The android mapping solutions have the same problem. Good thing about this, as Long as you have the time and the memory card space/hd space, You can download ANY mapping image to use off line. Including google sat images and terrain mapping. I can't wait to get the mount in the Jeep, toss my two tablets in the rig and start testing out some nav setups. I have 3 tablets of different sizes and os'es. ha ha. I will Keep updating on all my findings about nav on here.

I also just ordered a 65 channel Bluetooth GPS receiver to help with lock and gps reliability. I am going to use a ram sat antenna mount custom mounted to my E-dock to hold the receiver.

Again, I am going to keep up to date on these things.



Is this what you're using? I'm having a ***** of a time finding gps software for my windows 7 machine. Only thing I can find that seems to work is Overland Navigator but they make you buy some random map pack and none of them are areas i'll ever be going so its a total waste of money on that side. And they dont seem detailed about what their program actually does. No demo, no videos, no screenshots, etc.


Autism Family Travellers!
Im using windows 8 tablet and pro maps. Not windows 7. For windows 7, I think you can use national geographic or a couple of others if you can find the program off someone.


Expedition Trophy Winner
Windows choices are pretty solid. Plenty of history in the software...

Nat Geo TOPO! They come in State series. They used to be $99 per state, but you can find them much cheaper now. Very detailed USGS topo maps. The 'old' USGS topo maps, not the new hi-res ones. Not updated anymore, and the interface is clunky and not touch-friendly, but USGS maps are solid. Works fine w/windows 7 & 8.

Delorme Topo (I think version 10 now). VERY GOOD. Doesn't use scanned topos, they have Delorme's own topo maps. Not a metro app, but usable in touch format. With a subscription allows download of sat photos (great quality). Works well with Windows 7 or 8

Overland Navigator. It's ok. I know it gets a lot of great reviews, and if you use it with a Ham interface, it's great. I don't like nearly as much as either of the above. Has a nice touch interface. Works with Windows 7 or 8

MS Streets & Trips. Great for on-road. Not a great touch interface, but usable. Works with Win7/8

Google maps (terrain). If you have internet connection or you feel like caching the data. Works reasonably well, but not great.

GPS Topos. Work reasonably well, but I've had some issues w/them reading my GPS. Don't use these often, but they are great reference documents. And you can get the hi-res ones straight from USGS and download a bunch at once to your laptop/tablet.


Autism Family Travellers!
Yep, that's the app. I am waiting for my gps module to arrive too. I do believe my asus has a gps chip, just want to use the module to have fast response.


Autism Family Travellers!
Just ordered my mounting system. Soon be able to try out maps pro.
Sent from my SGH-T899M using Tapatalk


Autism Family Travellers!
Downloading google terrian map for my area now. You can downlaoad sat image too
Sent from my SGH-T899M using Tapatalk


Autism Family Travellers!
ok, got my map downloaded, going for a test run in the next couple of days. I have google terrain for my immediate area. The map looks awesome. Next up, is google sat.

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