Oh no, Im going to seal the entire outside in fiberglass mat and resin to harden it. Im using 1/2" CDX for the panels and when the window locations are decided on and the door put in i will brace the sides. But i dont want to put a brace in if im just going to cut through it.
As for insulation, I haven't quite settled on that. Im leaving space for foam panels inside just in case, but I think I have an idea for easy and removable insulation.
So far I have bought 10 sheets of plywood and about 15 2x2s
The 1000lb mark is for the entire camper built but compleatly unloaded. No water, no food, no sleeping bags. Just empty. I suspect you are right about the weight goal creeping up quickly. All I really have left for wood work is two floor cabinits, and three overhead cabinits. We shall see! That goal is kinda arbitrary to the finished product. I just wanted a goal to shoot for to see if it was achievable. We can go over a bit.
Thanks for the heads up on the cracking, I forgot about that. It was the warping and rotting that I was most concerned about. I have lived up here for almost 30 years and have seen my share of water damage. This camper is a slight departure in current construction techniquies, hopefully it works out to my advantage.