Thank you for all your kind words. bftank is right, it's a Ruenel bumper. As for the trip plan I'm kind of on it now. I have been living in the camper for the past 3 months migrating from a friends house in Oregon to Canada B.C. where my kids live. My son wanted to take a short camping trip so we did part of the Lewis and Clark trail also known as the "WABDR" through the center of Washington. My friend in Oregon has been more than generous letting me work on my truck from time to time, shower and hang out. I will be leaving Oregon after Christmas and heading to Nevada, Arizona, Utah then California and down to Mexico for part of the winter. I will then take rout 66 across the southern states to possibly Florida and up the east coast to Boston, New York and up to Main. My final leg will be across the Northern states west and through Canada B.C. to Alaska. Nothing is set in stone. I may detour a few times depending on my mood or situation, just a few places I want to see.
To xj_mike steal away! I will be visiting Deaver springs to upgrade my rear suspension as well. The great thing about this site is ideas and information and sharing them with others.
Also I will be posting a trip report on the Washington trail if anyone is interested.
Thanks and keep exploring.