Expedition Leader
Well, this has been a wasted month.... After getting some Immunization update shots for my upcoming W-EMT re-cert class I came down with a wicked URI somehow and I've been sick as a dog for the last 3 weeks. Running a fever on and off and coughing up green stuff is... well it's NOT FUN.
But I got to go down and oggle the new Half-Cut. This thing has only 23,000 KILOMETERS on it.
Now the hard part is deciding whether I swap over the new Timing belt and water-pump off the other engine I already had (which will likely be going into a more "tame" 2nd Gen build for my Dad who's dying to have a Diesel Toyota of his own), run this engine as is knowing that I have a good many miles until I have to worry about both issues, or do I push forward with the original engine that only has 65,000 Kilometers on it and already has the new T-Belt and water-pump on it. I'm leaning towards dropping the lower-milage engine in there with the new pump and t-belt swapped over to have the lowest mileage, "newest" engine possible with the least amount of things to go wrong done to it.
I was also stoked to see that this half-cut came set-up with dual Batteries already wired from the factory so it SHOULD be a matter of swapping in the harness and upgrading to a controller of my choosing to have a nice dual-bat/back-up system for her (my guess si that ONE of the batteries I'm going to be using will be more powerful then both of the stock 95 bateries Toyota put in and I'm still not sure how the system is wired up from Toyota, whether they're in series or set-up as a switchable linked pair).
This is how she's sitting with the original engine under the hood and the SAS done. Even with the small tires on her it's a nice ride-height, but with 33's on her it'll be PERFECT IMO. Can't WAIT to get the sucker done.
But I got to go down and oggle the new Half-Cut. This thing has only 23,000 KILOMETERS on it.

Now the hard part is deciding whether I swap over the new Timing belt and water-pump off the other engine I already had (which will likely be going into a more "tame" 2nd Gen build for my Dad who's dying to have a Diesel Toyota of his own), run this engine as is knowing that I have a good many miles until I have to worry about both issues, or do I push forward with the original engine that only has 65,000 Kilometers on it and already has the new T-Belt and water-pump on it. I'm leaning towards dropping the lower-milage engine in there with the new pump and t-belt swapped over to have the lowest mileage, "newest" engine possible with the least amount of things to go wrong done to it.
I was also stoked to see that this half-cut came set-up with dual Batteries already wired from the factory so it SHOULD be a matter of swapping in the harness and upgrading to a controller of my choosing to have a nice dual-bat/back-up system for her (my guess si that ONE of the batteries I'm going to be using will be more powerful then both of the stock 95 bateries Toyota put in and I'm still not sure how the system is wired up from Toyota, whether they're in series or set-up as a switchable linked pair).
This is how she's sitting with the original engine under the hood and the SAS done. Even with the small tires on her it's a nice ride-height, but with 33's on her it'll be PERFECT IMO. Can't WAIT to get the sucker done.