I love the innovation of the ARB jack........wait for it.......BUT, no chance I would ever replace mechanical linkage of Hi-Lift over hydraulic as a "primary" trail use jacking/recovery item. I say "I" because this is just "my" preference.
1). ARB jack does one thing.....it jacks the vehicle! Hi-Lift performs a multitude of jacking and recovery tasks all in one. I've even see a guy use it as a log splitter....hahaha
2). See topic 1
3). I keep a $20 Hi-Lift rebuild kit in my truck in the event that one or two of the 3 moving/critical portions of the jack need repair. A full rebuild of a Hi-Lift on the trail takes about 6 minutes........3 for you people who are much smarter than I am!
4). We've all pretty much experienced the pit-falls of a leaking hydraulic jack. There is not one hydraulic component on the planet that will not eventually leak and need rebuilding or fail to hold its pressure. Good luck rebuilding the ARB on the trail if it's even possible.
5). My caveat to the ARB.......awesome, this is great to see these guys and their innovation for great products. I think this jack is awesome, just not a true replacement and IMO should "not be" sold to anyone as a Hi-Lift replacement (See 1-4 as just an initial rebuttal) but more as an alternative option for one specific area of use; jacking! However, for some, this is the ticket, especially racers and I can imagine it has a safety device to prevent pressure loss and compression under weight if the seals fail so I will assume that is not an issue. I believe this jack is 95% safer than the Hi-Lift for the novice user of both pieces of kit but the Hi-Lift is NOT as dangerous as the perception if used properly. Furthermore, with the appropriate accessories for the job at hand; whichever recovery/jacking technique we choose off the list of its capabilities, the Hi-Lift is and will continue to be the premier off-road, bush kit, recovery/jacking, extremely heavy, cumbersome, safe and dangerous, piece of gear for millions of enthusiasts and professionals. (NO, I don't work for Hi-Lift, but I did almost lose a finger in one!)
As always, thanks Lucky8 for posting up the latest and greatest products for us. Keep up the good work fellas!