This thread will hopefully serve as a focal point for information about Provan Bengal Tigers. While researching this adventure vehicle, I could find very little information, and a lot of the information was dated. So, I'm hoping to compile links here, and hopefully we can all learn something.
I'll also update this with more information over time, please feel free to add in. I've also seen some Tiger CX/TX owners here in ExPo, so please share your rig & thoughts, I think it would be helpful to some folks.
Provan Industries:
based out of SC, has manufactured a slow and steady stream of 4x4 campers throughout the years. Starting with an Astro based version, to now a truck based camper platform. There is a pretty good breakdown on the different styles here: Larry's RV, Inc. Central Oregon's Provan Dealer (
For business or other reasons, currently the only Provan being manufactured is the Provan Tiger Bengal TX, which can be mounted on your preferred 1-ton pickup chassis w/ 8ft bed.
On Expedition Portal:
Long write up of a 1995 Chevy Tiger CX:
Adventure Tool Company's (ATC) 4wd Provan Tiger adventures | Expedition Portal
Otherwise I couldn't find a single other thread on ExPo dedicated to this platform (other than in the Classifieds).
Video Resources:
When researching this vehicle, I had a hard time really finding many videos at all as to how it actually drives, especially on dirt roads. Here's the few that I could find:
What A HUGE DIFFERENCE! // 2022 TCA Rally // Hellwig Big Wig Install on a Tiger Adventure Vehicle - YouTube
Walkround Tiger TX
Tiger CX
Bengal Tiger TX Walk Through
Other Resources:
Notable Tiger Travelers: Rick & Kathy Howe.
Tiger Owner's Forum
Tiger Owners on Facebook
Homer the Tiger
Dave & Rebecca's Tiger CX
Hopefully this thread isn't doomed to obscurity. Note to moderators (and a small gripe), there are (3) different sections this post could have gone in: Integrated, Hard-sided, or Other.
I'll also update this with more information over time, please feel free to add in. I've also seen some Tiger CX/TX owners here in ExPo, so please share your rig & thoughts, I think it would be helpful to some folks.
Provan Industries:
based out of SC, has manufactured a slow and steady stream of 4x4 campers throughout the years. Starting with an Astro based version, to now a truck based camper platform. There is a pretty good breakdown on the different styles here: Larry's RV, Inc. Central Oregon's Provan Dealer (
For business or other reasons, currently the only Provan being manufactured is the Provan Tiger Bengal TX, which can be mounted on your preferred 1-ton pickup chassis w/ 8ft bed.
On Expedition Portal:
Long write up of a 1995 Chevy Tiger CX:
Adventure Tool Company's (ATC) 4wd Provan Tiger adventures | Expedition Portal
Otherwise I couldn't find a single other thread on ExPo dedicated to this platform (other than in the Classifieds).
Video Resources:
When researching this vehicle, I had a hard time really finding many videos at all as to how it actually drives, especially on dirt roads. Here's the few that I could find:
What A HUGE DIFFERENCE! // 2022 TCA Rally // Hellwig Big Wig Install on a Tiger Adventure Vehicle - YouTube
Walkround Tiger TX
Tiger CX
Bengal Tiger TX Walk Through
Other Resources:
Notable Tiger Travelers: Rick & Kathy Howe.
Tiger Owner's Forum
Tiger Owners on Facebook
Homer the Tiger
Dave & Rebecca's Tiger CX
Hopefully this thread isn't doomed to obscurity. Note to moderators (and a small gripe), there are (3) different sections this post could have gone in: Integrated, Hard-sided, or Other.