JIMBO said::archaeolo Yea, CWK, remember that any of these panels are only 80 %, efficient at FULL SUN--
And your flexible panel, has diff. outputs from each segment, but overall--whats the problem???
None of the solar panels will work very good on a cloudy day and your MAX output, will be 23 volts +++
Like (762) says, thats with no load, but you're probably at 40/50% effeciency, on the cloudy days and once the sun gets down to afternoon exposure--you get down to 20/30%, if that much
I look forward to your further posts
I'm 500 miles from home now and I'm "surfing"
:bike_rider: :REOutIceFishing: JIMBO
Jimbo, you were right about the power drop when you pass your hand over the panel. But before I could do that, an acrobatic paraglider got the jump on me. Consequently, she was hot! And yes my voltage dropped as I glanced over to see me wife's hands on hips staring at me, staring at the glider chick....
Alright anyways, I think I get it. With no load attached, the voltage will always run higher than if a peripheral is connected. Which in turn will drop the free unrestrained voltage down. And when a load is connected, will the equation render a accurate measurement in watts right?
Volts x Amps= watts
I am impressed with the 19.7 volt output considering the weather conditions and look forward to seeing what the averages will be. I wish I had measured it before and after the charge controller, next time. I think I might have get the Sunforce 60 watt panel next. The wife is going to love that one...:bigbossHL: