Okie dokie, time to spend a bunch of money.
Battery temp sensor, PV down wire, bus bars, and fuses.
Couple of six volt juice boxes.
Aaaaand....the magic box.
Did some painting.
Drum roll, please.
First thing to know: There will be a door on this cabinet eventually. I put the Morningstar CC on a spacer and will put a cutout in the door so that the CC and display are visible and accessible without opening the door. The front dinette seat will be mounted on top of the battery box in front of it, so I'll have to remove the seat to access the cabinet. The seat will be on a quick release system so I won't have to unbolt things, but it'll still be a bit of trouble to get into the cabinet. There's some goofy ideas with the seat....but I'll save that surprise for later too.
The nice thing about putting the CC on a stand off is that I can also run wires up the wall behind it.
The main 12VDC bus bars at the bottom of the wall are nice and close to the batteries; I'll need about 18" cables to reach them, and a one footer to tie the batts in series. I put 1Awg cables in my shopping cart at Genuine Dealz...
the recommended source for batt cables, so I hear.
After I put the system on the wall, I started imagining working on stuff in there. Geebus, don't want to be swinging a wrench and weld it between the posts of the bus bars. Of course, any time I be swinging a wrench in there I'll be taking the negative terminal off the battery, but stuff happens. I might could accidentally drop a screw driver in there or something. So I built a little wall between the two buss bars to prevent accidental shorts.
I suppose I could still short it out if I dropped a chain in there....but hey, if I'm that stupid I'd deserve the archy-sparky.
To my eyes the only thing that might be suspect so far is that the MRBF fuses are mounted to the bus bars instead of the batteries. Unfortunately, mounting them to the batts increases the height of the batts by 2" and I ain't got room for that. A little risky I suppose. On the other hand, I know the risks and am scared.....er, respectful of the consequences of a screw up. As long as I don't decide to start working on the electrics after three whiskys and a puff I think I'll be okay.
Other notes:
I made sure to leave room for a shunt near the negative bus bar that will eventually go in.
The battery monitor will eventually be mounted in the vertical side wall above and to the left of the CC to make it accessible.
Same with the inverter remote on/off button.
House/starter battery switching and batt solenoid will be mounted at the base of that vertical wall next to the positive bus bar. Batt bank switch will be accessible on the outside of the wall.