Any chance you could get some ball park height and width measurements? It's not a big deal but I think it would save me from some time.Some people seem amazed how little I trimmed for my BIG Toyo 35's.
Any chance you could get some ball park height and width measurements? It's not a big deal but I think it would save me from some time.Some people seem amazed how little I trimmed for my BIG Toyo 35's.
I think initially I will just trim the rear part of the fender. Depending on how long we are taking doing the tub will determine if I go and cut 1.5" from the radius. Reading through your build, knowing I wanted 35's was a big part of why I chose a truck without flares. I'm not sure what to use to cut the fender either a cutoff wheel or dremel. I'll start prepping for the tub tomorrow evening, Wednesday cut and weld one side, Thursday the opposite, Friday work on interior cap support and Saturday finish the support. Sunday ice rescue training and crash out.
I'll probably be using a grinder and cutoff wheel. With some very steady hands.