QuadsBC's 05 Double Cab Tundra Family Expo Build


I think initially I will just trim the rear part of the fender. Depending on how long we are taking doing the tub will determine if I go and cut 1.5" from the radius. Reading through your build, knowing I wanted 35's was a big part of why I chose a truck without flares. I'm not sure what to use to cut the fender either a cutoff wheel or dremel. I'll start prepping for the tub tomorrow evening, Wednesday cut and weld one side, Thursday the opposite, Friday work on interior cap support and Saturday finish the support. Sunday ice rescue training and crash out.

I think with a Dremel you will be blowing through the little cut-off wheels constantly and after a few rounds with that little screw I would throw something......YMMV....



grinder and a cut off wheel, or a sawzall with a small blade. I have a little pneumatic hacksaw that would be my first weapon of choice, but that's a little bit of a specialty tool, the first two are pretty accessable.


A jig saw with the right blade would also work well for that. I would hesitate using the Dremel only cause I know how quickly those wheels get consumed.


I'll probably be using a grinder and cutoff wheel. With some very steady hands.

I always save my cutoff wheels as they get smaller in diameter. I had 2 or 3 that were roughly 3" in diameter that I used to cut my fenders. The little rubber trim that I placed over the edge will clean up the look of any very small discrepancies in your arch, but I still got mine very very good without. Deep breaths and go slow. haha


Long afternoon passenger side just about done. There's a lot more steel in the rocker area than I thought. Multiple layers which make cutting them difficult. Took a long time, probably because there were too many people in the shop.



Also weighed a single wheel and tire stock vs 35

Stock 74lbs
35's 85lbs

Pretty light for 35's and load range e tires.


It clears full lock, full stuff with stock upper control arms. Once I install aftermarket arms I'll gain travel and caster which will move the wheel more foward giving me some extra clearance.


I'm with tyv12 its a lot smaller than I thought. Might have to due with the fact that the DC has a bigger wheel well than the AC. Looking good can't wait to see the final product.


Man that geometry changes quite a bit with the aftermarket upper a arms hopefully everything still fits when those are on


Same here, I took a lot more out of my brother in laws ac and his still contacts, hopefully all clears. Fwiw, his cleared with room to spare but once on the trails there was some contact. If I remember right I even had to cut into the lower door hinge a little. Like said above, maybe a difference with the DC and AC.

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Those KO2's are not as tall as most mud terrains so I'm sure it'll be fine. Run some deep lug M/Ts and it'll be more likely to contact. The aftermarket control arms will help a lot with clearance especially when caster is set at factory max so if it doesn't rub now then it probably won't after arm installation.
Keep the pics coming! I will be doing something similar to my T100 very soon.

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