DesertRose said:The other two are for using alternative fuels in a business. One is a credit for fuel-dispensing equipment (storage and delivery, like pumps) and the other is for actual purchase (or sale) of the fuel - up to $1 a gallon credit.
I have contacted a biodiesel wholesaler in Tucson who sources US-crop biodiesel and will deliver bulk fuel (as little as 100 gallons), and sells a nice affordable storage unit that qualifies for the credit, too - so I'll save coming and going.
The $1 a gallon credit is what makes biodiesel about on par with dinosaur diesel price wise. Biodiesel was a pretty pricy commitment prior to that.
I like your angle on the storage and delivery credit and that gives me a couple ideas... Maybe I can write off my portable biodiesel storage and delivery system made from Harbor Freight parts?
Unfortunately, in Phoenix, our only biodiesel supplier will only deliver on 1000 gallon commitments...