I'm wondering with the custom mounts if that changed the dimensions any? If so I would continue to readjust the holes to fit the length, even if it ment shortening the arms a bit. Also have you tried soaking the awning down with water to the point it is saturated and then attaching it to the frame (deploying) to stretch while wet and letting it dry in the sun to see if it will form fit while drying? Remove once completely dried and then try to redeploy. Maybe it will fit better. Mine is tight, but always manageable deploying with one person. My Hannibal has survived some severely crazy winds and rain... at one point I felt it was safer to be in the cruiser due to lightning, than to fold it back up during the storm. I am a believer in Hannibal awnings and there ability to withstand high winds and rain. I'd hate to see you contemplate getting rid of such a great awning.