Quick intro and some questions


New member
Been a long time lurker on this site and I finally decided to join a little bit ago. Ive owned various classic cars in the past ranging from 1969 Datsun Fairlady to 1969 triumph GT6, 1974 Alfa Romeo GTV, etc.

My first car was an 02 WRX that I competed in a few rally events in, and from there ive gone between track racing and wheeling with my friends jeeps. Went full blown and built a 74 FJ40 with a Chevy 350, didnt quite hit the spot so I just restored (this past year) a 67 Bronco, 289 with all the doodads that "help" gas mileage.

Had a sitdown with the wife a few weeks ago and we talked about my new-ish career (military) and us trying to start a family so I decided to sell some non-essentials, one being my Bronco so I could buy a more family-oriented vehicle. A.k.a. 4 doors, nothing older than me (im 31) and gas mileage better than 10mpg.

So here I am now, torn between an older gelandewagen or the good ole 110 (wife will be pleased :elkgrin:) Being that this is a LR forum im pretty sure what the response will be. Actually, im pretty certain im going to go the LR route based soley on the fact that there are so many more vehicles/parts for sale than the G.

Only requirements; Diesel, 4 door (duh), manual, and 1993 or older as I plan to move back to CA and dont want to deal with the smog issue.
Looking to spend no more than 15k, I know thats a stretch but ive seen a few go for that price. Just looking for a great running/solid rig, dont care about the paint, etc. I know there will be bugs, ive had parts fly off, electrical catch on fire, basically all the joys of owning a used classic. I can add more but that takes away from my "build how I want it" fund. Also not looking to trade either as the Bronco has 3 solid buyers as it is and I dont plan to buy for another 2-3 months at that.

As for my question, Ive been searching different private for sale ads, vendors, online defender dealerships, etc. and one in particular caught my eye.


Just wondering if this company is here, or if anyone has dealt with them. Basically sending out a feeler as to their reputation if they have one.

Also, if anyone here can gain me some insight as to what I should look for when buying a defender. At the least whenever I buy a vehicle I always do a personal inspection. However being in the military now its hard for me to take time off for these types of matters so the past 2 times ive bought cars sight unseen ive split PPI costs with the seller and got the cars inspected by a knowledgeable shop. There's my rant, I didnt proof read....thanks in advance for the info.


ambitiose sed ineptum
You'll get quite a few more in-depth answers than this, but personally I would buy one that is already stateside and titled and save yourself the hassle. Quite a few small old G's show up on eBay in the $15k range (there's also an importer in Tampa I believe)...D110s will be harder to find in that price range. Why not a Disco?

Btw...a 240Z to rebuild (it's just so damn easy to drop a 350 in there) has been my "white whale" since I was 16 - some day! (as with the previous advice of just buying an easier-to-find vehicle, I wound up with a 300ZX and an eventually revoked drivers license instead...).


With a $15k budget, and you're in the military (as I am) and starting a family, etc., just get an LR3. The LR3/LR4 are far and away the most solid trucks Land Rover has ever made for anyone that isn't doing the Rover thing as a full-time job/hobby.

If you're like me, and tried the truck building game before realizing that you didn't have the time and patience for it anymore, and you still want to enjoy the special little nuances that come with driving a Rover -- the LR3 is absolutely perfect. At this point it's pretty universally recognized as better off-road than the D90/D110/D1/D2 (in the stock-to-light build category) and the truck just works. Way better fuel economy, reliability, room, comfort, build quality. Same goes for the LR4, of course, but they're just too pretty for me -- the LR3 still looks like a truck you can beat up a little bit.

A $15k Defender is just going to be a big pain in your a**. If you enjoy that kind of thing -- as many, many in the Rover community do -- then you might have fun with it. But decent legit diesel D110s are, at the very very cheapest, $30k. Nice ones are $40k. And turn-key drive them 20k miles before something breaks D110s are $50k and up. There are lots of Rover vendors that will sell you a One Ten or even a Defender (important to learn the difference) for $15k. It might even look great, hell it might even drive great. Hell it might even have an ancient diesel lump sitting in it. And these vendors are honest dudes that know Rovers. But soooo many customers don't realize what a $15k Defender is, and don't exercise informed expectation management. I'm never been interested in Series or Defenders, so I'll let the experts chime in on that. But from my perspective as a Rover "fan" over the past 10 years -- those trucks are for the serious hobbyists who get just as much enjoyment from working on Rovers as driving them.

$15k will buy a nice LR3 with <90k mi. You'll spend $1k-$2k buttoning it up (lower control arms, air compressor, et al) but then there's a 80% chance you'll be worry free for the next few years, on and off-road. It'll haul your kids, your trailer, your boat, and you can easily sleep two adults in the back with zero modification. LR3s are an absolute revelation. Please consider one.


New member
I get the $15k 110 dream but I'm more of a ground up kind of guy. Before the navy I worked at a Ferrari/Lamborghini resto shop and I learned quickly that's its all nuts and bolts in the end. One main reason I posed the question about the link above is because they have a few listed for the price I requested. As stated I can add more, quite a bit more but in the past when I bought a "daily driver" I ended up tearing it all the way down to make it how I want. I just don't feel comfortable when I don't know the ins and outs of a vehicle. Especially my own personal daily driver. Im looking for a decent driver at best, i can work from that. i was a mechanic before the military and im a mechanic in the military now :). I've actually only had about 3 months since my rebuild and I've put nearly 6k miles exploring my new homeport. If I can't find a 110 or G ill go the original route and buy a Toyota fj55 and stick a cummins in her. Just gauging interest and seeing what's out there. If you don't ask you'll never get!! Cheers!!
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What about a 200/300 TDI swapped DI? Usually in the 10-12k range.

Although I'm not sure what would be legal in CA. If you look hard/long enough you can find them with Diesel titles if the PO has gone through the steps, if that helps.


High Desert Prepper
Welcome awjunkies!

If it is your dream or goal, then wait and be patient - keep looking, save more, then sometime later than you want, you will have more cash and the dream or goal will be less money. I know it sounds like I am being an arsehat, I'm not trying to be, but I mean every word.

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Welcome...you will regret buying a LR as one is never enough.

Bring one in yourself using a reputable guy like Dividing Creek - that is who I used for my not a 5 door. He has people on the ground in countries where you can source a 5 door diesel and MAYBE have it in country for a little more than your $15K. But as someone already said, I believe, be patient as they are in high demand in other countries too. And if you are a ground up guy you can rebuild it anyway, but the cleaner the better.

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