quick question for those running 35's


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Your ABS is supposed to automatically turn off once it detects 4WD (as per owners manual) BUT it takes a little time because it has to tell the difference between 4WD and AWD. I wouldn't start down any gnarly hills until the ABS light comes on. It comes on almost instantly if you turn your locker on, It will see that the front wheels are different speeds and the rears are exactly the same in even a slight turn or just driving in dirt.
If your Montero doesn't do this feature and it is equipped with ABS i would definitely install an ABS switch, the older Gen 2's ABS isn't as smart as the Gen 2.5 so they have the issue of running ABS off road more often.

My ABS in my '99 turns off like clock work every time.

Nwoods, I think our average MPG for that trip was 14mpg (including hiway driving from Phoenix to Tahoe) which wasn't bad considering we were probably in the single digit MPGs climbing up the mountain grades like that and the days we spent offroad. Have you considered putting a Rubicon Rocktrac transfer case in your Montero? It's really not too bad of a job.


Expedition Leader
Nwoods, I think our average MPG for that trip was 14mpg (including hiway driving from Phoenix to Tahoe) which wasn't bad considering we were probably in the single digit MPGs climbing up the mountain grades like that and the days we spent offroad. Have you considered putting a Rubicon Rocktrac transfer case in your Montero? It's really not too bad of a job.

I don't want to derail this thread but Id like more info on the Rocktrac transfer case. What parts do I need? Adapter plates? driver shaft? Speed sensor?

Marks gears dont justify their price tag, at least for me.


Is it true that pulling up the handbrake one click so the light comes on disables the ABS? Heard it but it sounds like it could be a myth too. Worth a try though.

Mine tows alright on 35s,but it isn't great,but it would be a fair bit heavier than a camping trailer. Worst thing is the hitch gets too high,even with the drop plate so it makes the trailer handle a bit funny


Expedition Leader
I don't want to derail this thread but Id like more info on the Rocktrac transfer case. What parts do I need? Adapter plates? driver shaft? Speed sensor?

Marks gears dont justify their price tag, at least for me.

A search over on 4x4 wire will pull up info.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
One click on the E brake might help it realize you're in 4WD by not allowing as much of a speed differential. Try it, just be sure to release the brake once the light comes on.

Here's really the only thread you'll need on the subject, just replace dual NP231 with Rocktrac and call it good.

4x4wire.com your #1 source for tech ;)

Use what ever shifter you want but here's the basic parts list

98+ Jeep cherokee AW4 tailhousing, Jeep 4 pulse gear (machined ID to match the thickness of the Mitsu gear), Rubicon T-case, T-case output flanges, Custom Driveshafts (Tom Woods or High Angle Driveline), Custom transfer case mount and Dakota Digital signal converter and speedo interface.

We use Tom Woods so he may have the flange and driveshaft info ready to go if not he can point you in the correct direction.

*Option* You could also bypass your transmission ECU and go with an autostick if you wanted instead of doing the pulse gear stuff http://www.radesignsproducts.com/ I've got a couple friends running the Baja, Rail II and Winters shifters and they all seem pretty happy.


Expedition Leader
Your ABS is supposed to automatically turn off once it detects 4WD (as per owners manual)....
If your Montero doesn't do this feature and it is equipped with ABS i would definitely install an ABS switch...

Hmmm... my ABS is definitely still on when I'm in 4LLc. Good to know that its broken, and not a design flaw. It's been quite unsettling on occasion.

Have you considered putting a Rubicon Rocktrac transfer case in your Montero? It's really not too bad of a job.

LOL, my mechanical skills are still developing. I just learned not too long ago how to change the bulbs in the dome light. :)


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Yeah that's largely due to the old photo site crashed and various others did the same. If only 4x4wire had hosting abilities way back.


Your ABS is supposed to automatically turn off once it detects 4WD (as per owners manual) BUT it takes a little time because it has to tell the difference between 4WD and AWD. I wouldn't start down any gnarly hills until the ABS light comes on. It comes on almost instantly if you turn your locker on, It will see that the front wheels are different speeds and the rears are exactly the same in even a slight turn or just driving in dirt.
If your Montero doesn't do this feature and it is equipped with ABS i would definitely install an ABS switch, the older Gen 2's ABS isn't as smart as the Gen 2.5 so they have the issue of running ABS off road more often.

My ABS in my '99 turns off like clock work every time.

I thought one of the advertised benefits of "SuperSelect 4WD" was that ABS remained active, but with different programming parameters in 4WD?

That said, I've often wondered if the above only applied 4H and but not 4Hlc or 4Llc. I don't have an owner's manual.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Super select 4Hi = AWD and the ABS works in AWD. Real 4WD or 4HLC it should disable.


Adventure Time!
Super select 4Hi = AWD and the ABS works in AWD. Real 4WD or 4HLC it should disable.

FYI this is not true for the 3rd Gens. It says on. Additionally, it works like some modern vehicles to regulate speed downhill in 4WD low. Don't remember how it worked on my 1995 or 2000.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Gen 3 Monty's have a completely different system and uses it's ABS for traction control offroad.

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