Very nice looking rack.
I also don't see how a cantilevered rack that is not attached to the cab is going to decapitate anyone. I've worked plenty of wrecks on vehicles with roof racks, including contractors trucks with cantilevered racks, and never seen one rip the cab open. Crush the cab down some in a rollover yes, but never rip one open. If fact, I would guess it's a lot safer than having a Studebaker on your roof as that adds more weight and is more than likely much sturdier than your cab (although you certainly get more style points for the Studebaker than a rack :ylsmoke

.... but I digress. I have seen a few trucks have their camper shells ripped partially or completely off in rollovers, but most of them were older and/or poorly attached to start with.
The only issue I see is that with it being so close to the shell it'll be a pain to try to clean under it but that's pretty minor. You might want to add a wind deflector for everyday use to cut down the noise also.