I currently have a President McKinley CB installed but have been considering having multiple comms options. I know a lot of folks like the HAM options and that GMRS has gained a lot of popularity as of late.
If you were looking to have multiple comms options on your rig what combination would you go with? Type and a specific make/model you would go with. For example, HAM and GMRS or CB and GMRS, or all three, etc.
Obviously in a jeep space it limited, so maybe things like....a small CB unit like the midland 75-822, or Cobra 75; small GMRS unit like a midland MXT275; a HAM with a remote head (not sure I am using the right reference but meaning to mount the display with the "brains" installed elsewhere).
If you were looking to have multiple comms options on your rig what combination would you go with? Type and a specific make/model you would go with. For example, HAM and GMRS or CB and GMRS, or all three, etc.
Obviously in a jeep space it limited, so maybe things like....a small CB unit like the midland 75-822, or Cobra 75; small GMRS unit like a midland MXT275; a HAM with a remote head (not sure I am using the right reference but meaning to mount the display with the "brains" installed elsewhere).