Techno Guy
New member
Hi All, Just wondering what the preferred radio options for Europe & North Africa are?
I always felt CB to be a bit taken over by idiots in the UK, but with the recent extra channels and SSB usage, does seem to offer a reasonable package. Not sure how popular this is in Europe though.
I also have my amateur licence, and that brings another bunch of options to the table. I must admit no not having worked mobile before. How does the HF vs VHF argument stack up for decent mobile comms? I was thinking possibly a 2m/70cm dual bander, or a 10m/CB/SSB radio would likely be a good options, but happy to hear the thoughts of others. Thanks.
I always felt CB to be a bit taken over by idiots in the UK, but with the recent extra channels and SSB usage, does seem to offer a reasonable package. Not sure how popular this is in Europe though.
I also have my amateur licence, and that brings another bunch of options to the table. I must admit no not having worked mobile before. How does the HF vs VHF argument stack up for decent mobile comms? I was thinking possibly a 2m/70cm dual bander, or a 10m/CB/SSB radio would likely be a good options, but happy to hear the thoughts of others. Thanks.
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