Ram 2500 gasoline extended gas tank help


Active member
Very relevant to my interests. Currently looking at brown davis, I just need to email them, but I beleive their tank is rated for gas.

The other choice is titan (either the spare tire tank with a new pump, or a larger main tank) - but I have only seen people talk about how this is possible, never seen it done

Very interesting discussion. A while ago, I chatted to Titan customer support, telling them I live in Germany, so I would not be worried about DOT or EPA (I need to deal with TÜV, but I can handle this...). They stated it is NOT just for legislative reasons but technical as well, why they only offer the tanks for Diesels.
Well, on the other hand, I also see that OE Numbers for tanks are the same for Gen4 Hemi vs Cummins ?

So: is there anybody out there who successfully runs a Titan Aux Tank (spare wheel or XXL version) in a Gen4 Hemi?
Please PM if you want to keep this confidential ?


Active member
I wonder if the factory gas fuel pump would fit on that tank?

I might have to give it a try!



Active member
I've seen home made tanks across the front of the bed. A 58 wide x21 tall x4 thick" tank holds 21 gallons. 58X21X8" would be 42 gallons. Just move your camper back a few. Easy to plumb, easy to remove after sale, not expensive to have fabbed up. I could probably get it all done for $300.
Not a power wagon but,

Transfer flow has announced that a 48 gallon gas tank for the f250/350 ccsb is a go. Ford truck forum is the place for the info. We sent many emails to them and they finally accepted that there is enough interest.

If you have enough ram owners petition them it may be possible

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Just sent a note to Transferflow about a tank for my ‘22 Power Wagon. They sent back a form to fill out concerning new product development. Perhaps if enough of us ask they will develop a tank for the Ram. Here is the email for the product development department from their website.


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