We went on an impromptu over nighter the other day because I have this weird tradition of being on a camping trip for every 10K milestone of my truck. With about 35 miles away from hitting 70K we loaded up the truck with the dogs and left for somewhere I was unfamiliar with. My girlfriend and I were just planning on putting a ground tarp down and sleeping there because the weather said it wasn't supposed to start raining until 11am, no prob, we'd be up by 7 or so.
So I got a flat in the dark, and as I was changing it, the rain started. So we decided to sleep with the dogs in the back of the truck. So in a rush to beat the soggyness I got the tire changed, we got the sleeping bags all situated, and called the dogs back from exploring. They came back and jumped in bed. Indie (right) had a huge cactus cluster jammed in her belly. She got cactus needles all over my sleeping bag and she wouldn't let me get the cactus out. I was so frustrated, my leatherman made short work of it though. It was actually our first camping trip with them. They were glued to the back window once they heard the coyotes yelping in the early morning.