denviks - you can't post pictures that interesting without some backstory on the location!
this place is in northern france.....just some way above Paris. we went down with a 4x4 club to try out some cave driving. well some people like to walk caves, some like to dive in them so why not drive in them lol.
the system is an old ww1 & 2 quarry. it was used to house troops. there is alot of history in this place. the driving side of it is kept away from the historical side as you cant step too much on history.
its run as a offroad site throught the year to bring in money for the owner. its such an unusual place to explore with new things being found all the time. i have been twice so far last year. its a 8 hour drive and a ferry crossing , but its well worth the effort.
i do have lots of pictures if more are needed :ylsmoke: