
Making sure the Rover was ready to pull baby duty. Later on in the day it had to get us to the hospital for the birth of our duaghter.
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Southwest Wyomin
South of the border in Utah at the Sheep Creek Geological Loop
HillbillyE, looks like a fun time.
Haven't been out snow wheelin this year, unless you
count the 17" we got in the cities in Dec. and the chaos
at the apartment complex I work at. At least 50 cars stuck
everywhere in every parking lots. Ended up just making
my own roads across the grass.
We should meet up some time this spring/summer.
Really need to get some upnorth exploring time in this
year, I have a family cabin on Tom lake and would like
to find some other MM roads like the old Tom rd.
Hopefully we'll be able to start cutting trails in the Virginia
expansion site this spring too.
Can someone identify the rear carrier and gas can rack on this fjc, pretty please??